Chapter 2

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The rain clashed on the big windows of the living room. I sat hugging my knees on the sofa while Jenna read a book while Jinx flicked through the channels on the TV. The rain was on and off all day, but I've remained seated in the same place for the past five hours. I didn't want to move, well, I didn't have anywhere to go. Even if the door was open and I was free to walk out, I'm not sure where I would go. My father killed my mother and because he understood his mistake too late, he hung himself. So family is out of bounds. I have no friends really, I was always afraid of telling everyone my secret. Being a child of a vampire and an agel wasn't the every day news for humans.

Suddenly came a knock at the door. My head shot up and looked at Jinx, who put down the remote and Jenna who very, very slowly lowered her book. I noticed she was reading some sort of romance. "I'll get it," Hunter, who had just come back from a shower, jogged down the stairs. Jinx and Jenna got up anyway, but I decided to stay in my seat resting my head on the palm of my hand. I heard the door click open and there was complete silence for a few short seconds. "Won't you invite me in?" I heard the words which I always hated. A vampire was at the door, and he won't come in unless they invite him. Although, he didn't sound too threatening to me.

"Hades," I heard Jenna mutter. I looked over to the door again, to see them all crowded at the door. "Come in," she whispered as she grabbed Hunter's arm and pulled him back from the doorway. I rolled my eyes, they better have this guy read straight through and inside out. "Thank you. It's lashing outside," I heard Hades, I suppose, groan with irritation in his voice. I'm not too surprised either. There was a short chit-chat about the weather the past few days, then they walked into the sitting room. I looked up at Hades from my seat. He was shorter than Jinx, but then again everyone seemed to be. Hades had light brown hair cut in a side sweep hair cut. It looked a little overgrown if you ask me, but it suited his thin face structure and defined cheekbones. 

He had bright green eyes with a trace of brown around the pupil, I could tell when he looked back at me. The staring competition lasted a few seconds until he turned to Jenna. "Who's this?" Hades gestured to me and he took off his soaked from the rain hoodie. He threw it onto the sofa beside where Jinx rested again. "That's Blaire. The girl I was telling you about on the phone," Jinx answered for Jenna, his eyes not leaving the TV screen. Hades looked at me again and smiled, then stuck out his hand. I put my hand in his, expecting a shake but instead he kissed it and said softly, "It's truly a pleasure." I felt the smile I've been trying hard to contain escape me gradually. "Thank you," I responded with a hint of a giggle between the two words.

"Moonlight is nowhere," Hades immediately turned to the other three in the room. "She's not here, she's not in Alaska, nowhere in Europe, Nowhere in anywhere," Hades slid his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "Are you sure? How about Texas? Have you scanned the perimeter?" Hunter leaned against the wall, which made me wonder if it was cold against his bare back. The only thing he was wearing were jeans and boots. Hades shrugged, "Every meter in Texas, but nothing." The TV turned off, which made me tune into the conversation more. From what I could see with Hades in my way, Jenna and Hunter's expressions didn't signify good news. "Damn, she's good. Better than me," Jinx sighed as Hades moved out of my way. He took out a box of smokes out of his pocket. 

He glanced at me then offered a cigarette, but I shook my head. "And don't forget, the girl is only 70 years old. This shouldn't be so hard," Jenna leaned back into her seat and began to chew nervously on her thumb nail. I watched as a strand of her hair came down over her face, and every time she chewed, it would bop up and down. "Hades, man, if we don't find her we're doomed," Jinx looked at Hades who was lighting his cigarette. "Don't remind me, Crow will have our heads chopped off," Hades sighed as he exhaled the white smoke. I sighed and sat forward. "Is this some kind of secret mafia or what?" I asked as I looked from Jinx to Hunter. "Blaire, leave," Jinx rolled his eyes at me as I crossed my arms. "You're going to have to make me," I said, as childish as it sounded. 

"Let her stay, she needs to know the progress too, if she's part of the plan," Hades was after exhaling another load of smoke. I stared at him blankly, "A.. plan?" I looked at Jinx and got up. "What fucking plan did you get me into?!" I snapped as I walked up to him. Jinx rolled his eyes at me again, his usual routine whenever I spoke to him. He crossed his arms and threw Hades a look of betrayal, then looked at me, "You'll find out when it's your turn to shine. For now, we need to find a girl called Moonlight." I scanned him and crossed my arms too. I stood in silence, provoking him to speak further, but he didn't. Jinx just put his hand on my arm and gently pushed me to the side of the room where the door was. 

I did my best not to move and he realized that. "Why do you have to be so stubborn?" he muttered as he lowered my face to mine. I glared at him before speaking in a harsh voice, "You dragged me to a random house with random people, I demand some sort of information." 

"Well you're not getting any," Jinx bent down and wrapped his arms around my hips. Before he could lift me up, I hit his head sending a small electric shock to his brain. He squealed and jumped away, then massaged his head with a confused expression. "What the hell?!" Jinx snapped in surprise. I smirked, "Seems you forgot that as well as being a vampire, I'm angel. Electricity is in my favour." 

Jinx stepped towards me and was about to grab me, but I lifted my index finger and pointed it to him making him jump away. The room was completely silent and I stared at each and every person in the room. I noticed Hades had a smirk on his face and I smiled at him, making him chuckle and shake his head. "Right okay, stay," I heard Jinx groan. He turned to Hades who immediately straightened up and put on a serious face. "So how do we find her? She must know we're looking for her if she's nowhere usual," Jinx continued the conversation. I sat back down on the sofa and listened in. "Moonlight must be hiding. She knows she can't harm us and as a wolf kind, I'd say she's in the nearby forest keeping an eye on us," Hunter spoke up, who has been silent for a long while.

He looked at Hades, and he gave hunter a short nod. "Wait, can't you wolves just like, sniff each other out or something?" Jinx sank into the couch and crossed his legs. "Only because we're werewolves doesn't mean we can find each other by scent. I've never seen the girl in person anyway, I don't know her scent," Hades said and then turned to the window. He pulled away the light, pearl white curtains a tiny bit and peeked out. "Even if you have anything I could try with, the rain washed away her scent by now. No chance," he muttered then turned to me. "Your mam was an angel if I'm correct?" Hades directed the question at me and I looked up at him and nodded. For some reason, I only know him for less than an hour and I prefer him over the rest. 

He seemed to be more considerate, relaxed and well, a nice guy in general. "And if I'm correct with this one, angels can find a creature by prayer?" Hades posed another question, to which I shook my head in disagreement. His face fell a little, but he continued to keep eye contact while he awaited further information. "Wrong. It's a ritual," I nodded at him. He looked hopeful for a second, then glanced at the rest and back to me, kneeling down in front of my seat. "Blaire, please, help us find this girl," he pleaded and I stared at him and sighed. "What will I get from it?" I asked as I leaned forward to him, but he turned away and looked at Jinx. I did so too and Jinx sighed lazily. 

"You get to go outside," Jinx mumbled then looked down at his shirt and dusted it off. It was clean, he just hated having to be the one to lose and not win. It interfered with his confident bad boy image, and I loved seeing it be disrupted. "But don't think about running off, it won't work. We'll have you under control," Jinx added, of course to defend his image, but I found myself giggling. "Well," Hades attracted my attention to him. "I'll do it. I will need a few things though," I looked at Hades. A small smile appeared on his lips, "Thank you." 

I gave him a nod and began listing off the few things I needed to locating the girl they were looking for.

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