"I was wondering if you could tell me where the guests wait." I said, more demanding this time.

"I'm a patient, if that helps." I added, but still i got no answer; just more munch, crunch, and yum. What the hell was this? This was a hospital, not a freakin' eating contest. This woman was an absolute freak! How can they make a woman--who only eats--on a desk and expect her to help people. She was useless! Absolutly useless---and dumb.

I was getting very annoyed and I couldn't stand this. I had to tell mom about Mish-Mish! The only way that would make this stupid woman listen to me, was with the hard way.

I looked at her with harsh eyes and squinted, until our eyes met. I smiled an evil smile, just like Mr.Strange had did to me--at least I got to learn something from that jerk--and I grabbed the woman by her collar, just like Noah did with Jake, and I pulled hard. I brought my eyes up to hers and stared into them coldly.

"Where is the damn place?" I asked insistently. She gave me a blank and void face of horror. With her mouth wide open I swear I thought I saw a pickle fall out. I looked to the ground quickly to make sure. A sigh came and I was relieved. No pickle. If there was a pickle indeed, I would've forced this lady to enter the 'Guinness World record' for the amount of stupidity, annoyness, food eating, and pickle dropper!

A little smirk accidently slipped through my mouth and I quickly coughed to cover it up. I didn't want her to think I was joking around. I stare at the lady again and still she's an unmoving statue. I waited hoping she would get the point--that I wanted her to speak--but no, she's still looking at me with eyes as wide as light bulbs. "Speak, lady! Speak!" I shook her wildly.

"Walk straight down the hall until you see an elevator to your right, then go down two flights." She suddenly said quickly. I waited for more, but nothing came, just intense stares.

"And?" I asked.

"You're there, where the guests wait." I let go of her once crisp collar. I gave her a nod then ran down the hall. In a couple of seconds I reached the elevator which was on my left, not my right. Stupid lady. I pressed the button a couple of times before the elevator actually came.

"We've got a missing patient in room 531. Security please be on guard." I heard from the speaker on the elevator. Room 531. That's me for sure. Who else goes around missing? I have to find mom NOW! When the door opened I saw her, screaming and yelling. Her hands flying all over the place from frustration.

"How could you lose my daughter?" She screamed at the person sitting at the front desk. The man said something that I couldn't hear. He was bright red.

"Ma! I'm right here!" I ran over to her, jumping into her arms. "I need to tell you something!"

"I found her! Tell the doctor I found her!" She yelled at the man, ignoring me. "Mom-" I tried saying.

"Are you okay? Any scratches? There is so much we have to talk abou-"

"Let me finish, will you? I'm fine, alright? Ma, Mish's...Mish's dead." Tears rolled down my cheek. I was so occupied trying to find my way down here that I had forgoten why I was coming here in the first place. I forgot about Mish.

The doctor came, but I didn't care. He wouldn't stop me. In fact, I'll tell him what happened too!

"I know honey, he died because of-"

"I know exactly what he died from! The strange man outside our home shot him!" The doctor looked confused. "We have to find him, Ma! We just have to! He killed Mish-Mish." I held her hand and looked up at her. She had a doubtful and worried face on. I didn't get it.

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