Chapter 1

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Sam's POV
The dreams started one night while Dean was asleep snoring lightly,
In my dream I was just sitting on a chair at a table when I felt Dean's arms wrap themselves around me and I turned slowly and without warning, Dean gently kissed me  and that caused me when I was asleep to accidentally moan out  his name "Dean..." and my  eyes opened and widened when I  realized what I  was dreaming of and slowly I let my tired eyes drift over to where I saw the figure of Dean laying curled up in his crappy motel bed and my  cheeks went red as I let my  tired eyes overlook Dean's figure and I drifted his eyes down to where Dean's boxers where seen and a blush crept unto my  face as I  very quietly got out of my bed and walked out into the bathroom and as soon as I  was alone, I  turned and closed the door quietly and pulled my  pants down and without thinking, I  pulled my  boxers straight down and I  started to very gently touch myself with thoughts of Dean running through my  mind and without meaning too, I  accidentally let out a loud moan "Dean... Oh God... Dean..."
Dean's POV
I woke up hearing Sam's moan of 'Dean... Oh God... Dean..' and thinking that he was hurt I didn't even think to register that I was without a shirt on and I raced to the bathroom where I could hear Sam's moans of... 'Wait... Was that moans of pleasure?' I thought as I leaned my ear into the door and I heard soft sounds of crying which made my 'Big Brother senses tingle' so I said knocking on the door "Sammy... Are you alright... Are you hurt?" and I heard Sam's little voice answer me "Dean... Is... That... You..." and I said "Yes... It's me... What's wrong why are you crying... Did you have another nightmare?" and Sam's voice faded from inside the bathroom and I waited for what seemed an hour until he opened the bathroom door and I gasped at what I saw before me, Sam's pants where on the floor, I forced myself to look down more and I noticed he had no boxers on and his "Thing" was showing and I unknowingly blushed a shade of red

Sam's POV
Dean was blushing, He was actually blushing!  and I said looking up and down Dean's body frame "... Um... Hey... Dean... I... Uh..." and before I had warning, Dean cupped my face and kissed me he then without warning he stroked my chest then down to my waist and with a look of pure love, he began stroking my waist and he then pressed our bodies together and without warning he began stroking my member I released a moan and laid my head back rolling my eyes in ecstasy

Dean's POV
Sammy was moaning, actually moaning as I began stroking up and down his "Part" and he arched his body towards mine and I said seductively into his ear "Are you going to cum for me Sammy ?..." and I watched in pleasure as my little brother Sam arched his body forward and within minutes hot searing white liquid was squirting from inside him onto the floor, his bare chest, down his legs, onto me and he rolled his hips towards me and his head arched back he moaned out in ecstasy

Sam's POV
As I let my hips roll forward I looked into Dean's bright green apple eyes and I moaned "D-Dean... F**** me already please... Please..." and before I knew what was happening, Dean's hand grabbed my "member" and immediately I felt the warm lips of my big brother Dean around my cock and I let out an enormous moan and stroked my fingers through his dirty blonde hair and he looked up at me

Dean's POV
I looked up into Sam's eyes after he'd stroked my hair, we both stared into each other's eyes and something switched on in my brain : this person was my own brother My Own Brother! And we were about to... No Dean don't go there! ' and I said pushing Sam away from me "No... I'm sorry..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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