"I know what we need, stay here, I will be right back!" She exclaims, with that she stands opening her bedroom door. I can hear the echo of her footsteps as she springs down the stairs.

I sit in her room, alone. This is one of the reasons why I cam here, to avoid being alone. Avoiding being caught up in my own thoughts, I only ever just over-think every little thing, which forever leads to me creating problems that weren't ever there in the first place, when will I ever learn.

"You okay?" His voice returns, I look up. Once again he's standing in the doorway, watching me. I nod, he's not convinced.

He comes over to me, he puts out his hand for me to take. And I do. He pulls me up, my body feels limb and under his control. He pulls me into him, I rest my head on his chest as he strokes my back.

I can't help but smile as we melt into each other. I've missed the way our body almost moulds together, his scent fills me up. I can tell he wants to say something, but he doesn't. When we're like this, our actions speak louder than words. I wrap my arms around his back, i squeeze him. He laughs softly in my hair, oh Ryan only if you knew how much your laugh makes my heart dance.

He pulls away but holds me by my shoulders, I stand at his arms length. His eyes light up a little.

"You should come into my room, watch a movie with me," His voice is husky, I can't help but reply with a smile. He grabs my hand leading me out of Olivia's room and into his.

As always it's dark, he really needs to switch on a light or open his curtains at some point.

"What about Marcus and Olivia?" I ask sitting down on his king size bed.

"They are both downstairs so..." He replies, he sits beside me.

I watch as he maneuvers so he is at the top of his bed amongst the pillows. He too watches me, he grabs my hand. I move closer as we entwine our fingers together, putting his other arm around me he pulls me closer so we are touching side by side.

He moves his arm from around me, he twirls my hair around with his fingers. His breathing is slow and it's captivating. Our eyes meet, his beautiful sharp eyes. Long lashes I wish I had, he moves slightly his t-shirt lifts up a little revealing skin. It seems every bit of him is perfect.

I feel myself, chewing my lower lip. My fangs appear, luckily the darkness my makes them look invisible. He grins at me, slowly again he bends his neck. Oh god I need them to disappear, maybe he won't notice.... unless his tongue enters my mouth. His hand caressing my neck, I stare into his eyes, they're magical.

I close my eyes, as his face comes closer. I feel his breathe against my lips, I suddenly loose mine.

"I got the ice cream!" Once again we are interrupted.

I jump as Ryan lifts from the bed "For fuck sake Olivia!" He yells pushing past her. I can hear his heavy angry footsteps. He walks straight passed Marcus and into the spare room, he slams the door behind him. I did not see that coming. He anger shakes me a little thankfully taking away my fangs.

Olivia stands in the doorway of Ryan's bedroom, with Marcus stood behind her. They both stand together shocked, I should go after him.

"It will be okay, I will sort this out." I reassure them both, I chase after Ryan.

Carefully I open the door of the spare bedroom, he stands at the window, staring out of it, or at his reflection. He seems sidetracked, I don't think he is even aware that I have entered the room.I move towards him, I watch him before making a move. I don't want him to eat me alive.

Wrapping my arms around his torso, I press my face to his back. I can feel his breathing, I kiss his shoulder. He sighs, his posture loosens a little. He turns around so I'm pressed to his chest, I look up at him. He pulls me away and sits on the bed, his sits with his head in the palms of his hands. What is going on inside of that head of his?

I sit beside him, he glaces sideways at me. I grab his hand, I squeeze it tightly.

"You've got me Ryan, you know that right?"

He looks down, he lifts up my hand and kisses it. This time he's the one not speaking. I move closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder. I can feel him cold and shaking, he rests his head against mine. He squeezes my hand.

"Are you okay?" I finally ask him.

"Not really, I have a lot on my mind right now." He tells me, his tone hopeless and tired.

I wish I could help him. I just don't know how.

"Crystal?" He says pulling away, I nearly fall from his shoulder.

"Yes Ryan?"

"Will hang out with me tomorrow? Just the two of us? I've got a lot I need to talk about, and you're the only person..." He doesn't finish his sentence, he becomes shy almost but I know what he means. Quickly he stands ignoring what he said.

"Come on, lets get back to Olivia and Marcus, it will be nice to watch a movie together," He says before heading out of the room, he leaves me alone. I wish he would just be himself.

I too head to his room. Still not a single kiss from him, although I feel slightly glad Olivia interrupted us this time, otherwise my secret would have blown.

 Olivia and Marcus are cuddled at the bottom of the bed, they're perfect together. The same height, they're both caramel and just everything about them goes together.

 Ryan moves at the top of the bed and lies down looking rather chilled and so damn sexy! He eyes me up gesturing me to join him, I lie right next to him.  He grins and winks at me. He puts his arms around me and pulls me closer to him. I love it when he does this. He grabs the tub of ice cream from the beside cabinet. He grins as he practically spoon feeds me.

Marcus and Olivia chose the movie, it's some rom-com.

"About tomorrow, yes I would love to spend the day wit h you," I whisper to him, he grins and holds me tighter.

We cuddle into each other and watch the film. I snuggle close into his chest. I can feel and see his chest rising and falling. This couldn't be more perfect. He moves his right hand onto my back,  slowly he moves it  up and down my back kind of in a circular motion, his other hand is entwined with mine. It’s moments like these that mean the most to you in life.

I look over at Marcus and Olivia I notice they are already laying together cuddled up watching the film as well. It feels so great to be cuddled up here with Ryan, everything being okay. No pressure just us. Being here happy almost makes me forget that I'm a vampire, almost.

I feel tired, but I don't want to fall asleep. I don't want to budge from this embrace, I'm always so fearful of loosing him, and not being able to hold him like this. I’m lying on Ryan’s chest he is holding me closely and tightly. I feel safe and secure, movies go on. We don't move a single inch, I think he may need this more than I do.

"It's getting really late," Marcus yawns loudly.

"Damn... I better get my ass home.." I groan reluctantly lifting up from Ryan's torso.

"No, you're not aloud!" Ryan snorts pulling back to his chest. He holds me looking down at me.

"Stay, please?" He asks softly, his eyes big as he puts on the pet lip. Damn him he knows I can't resist him when he's like this.

"Fine, okay I willl stay!" I give in to him, he grins.

Marcus and Olivia stand up from the bed, they head out of the room draped around on another.

"Goodnight!" I holler after them.

Ryan grins, he lets go of me as he shuffles into the center of his bed. I follow him like a lost puppy. I lay on my side as he presses his chest to my back. He drapes over me, resting his head on my neck. My head rests on his arm. He plants sweet soft kisses on my neck.

"Good night Crystal," He whispers, his sleepy voice is like silk.

I don't think I've ever felt safer, his arms are my haven. Together cuddled we lay together, allowing sleep to envelope us...

Modern VampireHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin