part 2

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is it tonga time? i think it's tonga time.

i just figured out where the swahili gets all of their gold.

look at this chad! it means "lake." there's an empire there! right in the middle of africa!

the king of mali is so rich, he's going on tour to let everyone know. "wow, that guy's rich," everyone said.

the christians are doing a great job reconquering iberia, which will soon be called spain and not-spain. please remain christian. we will check in later to see if you're still christian when you least expect.

whoops, half of europe just died.

ming! china's back, yay!

hey, khmer. time to share. new kingdoms, here and there.

oh, look who controls all of the islands. it's the mahajapit.






oh, italy's real rich. time for them to care a lot about art and the ancient classics. it's kinda like a rebirth.

here's a printer. let's make books!

so you think you can conquer the byzantine empire? yep, said the ottoman turks. nice job, ottoman turks. oops, you missed a spot. don't forget to ban europe from the indian spice trade.

"what? that's bullshit," said portugal, spiceless.

"well i guess we'll have to find another way to india"

"wait!" said christopher columbus, probably smoking crack. "if the world is round, let's go this way to india."

"nah, don't worry, we already got this," said portugal.

so chris goes to spain. "hey spain, wanna hire me to find india by going around back of the world?"









so he sails into the ocean, and discovers... more ocean. and then discovers the indies, and japan! let's draw a line to decide who gets which half of the world.

the aztec and the inca empires are off to a great start. i wonder if they know that europe just discovered their continent.

the hapsburgs are marrying into so many royal families, they might have to start marrying each other.

move over, lithuania, here comes moscow. ivan wants to make russia great again.

move over, timurids, maybe go invade india or something. persia just made persia persian again.

let's make it the other kind of islam. the one where we thought the first guy should've been the other guy.

hey, christians! do you sin? now you can buy your way out of hell!

"that's bullshit. this whole thing is bullshit. that's a scam. fuck the church. here's 95 reasons why," said martin luther, in his new book which might have accidentally started the protestant reformation.

"you know what would be magnificent?" said suleiman wearing an onion hat. "what if the ottoman empire was... really big?" which it is now.

"what if russia was big?" said ivan, trying not to be terrible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2017 ⏰

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