CHAPTER 5:THE NIGHT~ smut/fluff

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WARNING:IF YOURE SENSATIVE ABOUT THIS STUFF THAN SKIP THIS CHAPTER!! also....this was my longest chapter ever!!!!! Wow!!!!)
~The next day~
Bendy:*putting stuff in locker*
Cup:aye bendy!!
Bendy:hey cup
Cup:you ready for the weekend??
Bendy:omg who wouldn't be??
Cup:*chuckles* exactly
Bendy:*closes locker and looks at cup lovingly*
Cup:so wanna go out on Saturday?? 6:00?
Cup:*smiles* k seeya there babe!
Boris:*runs to him* omg omg!!!!
Boris:ya know that cutie, mugs?
Bendy:ya the one you talk about endlessly
Boris:oh shut up!!! Anyways, he asked me out!!!
Boris:yes way!!!! *squeals*
Bendy: I have never seen you so excited
Boris:oh I gotta go!!!
Bendy:ok Bo.
Boris:*runs to class*
Bendy:*walks to class*
Bully 1 (from earlier chapter):pfft look
Bully 2:....pfft
Bendy:*walks in class*
Bully 1:we gotta find his weakness..
~skip class because, once again I'm to lazy...yup~
Bendy:*packs up and walks into hall*
Boris:*walks with him*
Bendy:so when's your date?
Boris:3:00 tomorrow
Bendy:mines 6:00 tomorrow
Boris:hmmm lucky, the night is always more romantic
Bendy:ya I'm super nervous though, I mean I've been on a date with him before but I'm super shaky and stuff...
Boris:who knows maybe you will get lucky *winks*
Bendy:pfft ya right, ......wait what if I do??
Boris:I'll help u get ready bro...
Bendy:okay thx..
~time skip to the next day at 11:00 am~
Boris:k bro I have a few hours before my own date,
Bendy:I know I know jus help me!!
Boris:*grabs contacts and takes off bendys glasses and puts them in his eyes*
Bendy:hmm they feel weird
Boris:*puts a bit of blush on him* make u naturally blushy
Bendy:why do u even have makeup???
Boris:dunno just bought it of boredom when I was 12
Bendy:so you have been using it for 4 years..?
Boris:heh yup
They continue for a while...
Boris:*hands him a sweater, heeled boots,and jeggings* go change into that
Bendy changes and comes back looking glam~
Boris:hot. Now ur done just be urself
Bendy:alright....... Wait that took 2 hours?!?!
Boris:wow! Yup I gotta get ready!!!
~timeskip, Boris left and bendy is waiting for cup ~
Cup:*knocks on door holding a dozen roses*
Bendy:*opens door* hey cup!!!
Cup:*blushes* you .......o-oh!! *hands him roses* these are for you!!!
Bendy:aw thx love*kisses his cheek*
Cup:*holds out arm* shall we?
Bendy:*giggles* we shall! *puts his arm around cups arm*
~they walk to a restaurant ~
Bendy:ohh fancy!~
Cup:heh yup!
Bendy:which table are we...?
Cup:table 3
Bendy:oh okay!
Cup:*pulls chair out for him and sits in other seat*
Bendy:aww thx!! You're such a gentleman!!~
Cup:thank you~
Bendy:*scoots in*
Cup:what do you want by the way?
Bendy:hmm maybe some pasta ^°^
Waiter:*walks over* have y'all decided
Cup:yup! We'll take the pasta
Bendy:*smiles* I'm so happy I'm out with you tonight!!!
Cup:me to babe
~moments later after chatting~
Waiter:*brings food*
Cup:pfft its one huge plate
Bendy:its like lady and the tramp!!
Cup:sure let's think of it like that *chuckles*
~they ended up eating and having the same noodle~
Bendy:*blushes and giggles*
Cup:*blushes and kisses bendy*
Bendy:*kisses back* I'm full!!
Cup:alright!! *stands up and pays and also tips*(FOR UHHH *COUGH* REASONS XDD let's just say cup was happy they had the same
Bendy:*stands up*
~they walk home~
Bendy:hmmm Boris still isn't back, wanna come inside?
Bendy:*closes door after cup is inside and smiles* this is my house!!!
Cup:very homely.. Heh
Cup:(mind:) should I make the move?? Or am I moving to fast??? Maybe he wants to..
Bendy:wanna watch a movie??
~bendy puts on a movie and they sit on the couch and they watch~
Cup:*puts arm around bendy*
Bendy:*smiles* (mind:) eeehh! Maybe this is our day!!!!
Cup:*sighs and looks at bendy*
Bendy:*looks back* is something wrong? *pauses movie*
Cup:look, I really like you, and want to go to the next level, and wanted your permission, but..... May we??
Bendy:*blushes a lot* i-im glad you said something and I think we are ready for that
Cup:okay! *picks up bendy and lays him onto couch*
Bendy:*kisses him and smiles*
Cup:*kisses back and slips in tongue*
Bendy:*blushes and drools a bit*
Cup:*slips bendys sweater off and kisses his neck lovingly*
Bendy:*moans quietly and wraps arms around cups neck*
Cup:*smiles sinfully as he moves down kissing his chest and then starts slipping bendys pants down*
Bendy:c-cup, plz don't stop..
Cup:*slips off his own clothes and then flips bendy over, inserting himself into bendy slowly and back up again*
Cup:b-bendy you enjoying this?
Bendy:yes just d-dont stop!!!
Cup:*he does it less gently and a bit faster*
Bendy:*sweats a bit and flushes his face with blush while drooling* ahh...~
Cup:*smiles and leans over kissing his neck again, rubbing with back with his smooth silky hands*
Bendy:ahh~ cup.... I love you so much~
Cup:i-i love you too....*flips him over once again inserting himself into the demon*
Bendy:*kisses him with his tongue finding enter into cups mouth*
Cup:*moans through kiss and picks him up and carries him to bendys room and bed*
~they do it for about an hour and then stop ~
Bendy:*puts on his pants and breathes heavily* ahh.... That was amazing..
Cup:I agree..... And I'm sorry but you're gonna hurt in the morning
Bendy:I don't is worth it....*rest his head on cups chest and snuggles with him*
Cup:*smiles as they both fall asleep*
Ahh bendy.....words cannot tell how much I love you....

Highschool crush (Bendystraw)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora