Chapter Two

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The rest of the night pretty much consisted of all of us just hanging out; chasing Dana and Will because they decided to steal Mine, Dalton's, and Shay's phones; playing X-Box and playing a large game of cheat (Which was not played properly by the way). My mum came into the rec. room and told us that we needed to get ready for bed. The boys were sleeping downstairs, in the rec. room, and Shay and I were upstairs in the loft.

"I need to leave early for work tomorrow and your Dad is leaving for his business trip in the morning so you will be alone to make breakfast but i left out some pancake mix if you want to make those." My mom told us while we were all downstairs, then she told Shay and I to go upstairs and for all of us to sleep.

Shay and i went upstairs and talked for awhile, about random stuff like bands and youtubers, before she spoke up. "Sooooo Do you like Dalton? Like, LikeLike him?" I was shocked. Did i really make it that obvious? "What? No. Of course not, i mean i only just met him today, how could I already like him?" Shay looked at me with a huge smile across her face. "OMG! I knew you liked him! This is wonderful!" I looked at her as if she were crazy. "Don't give me that face Skylar, you know I'm right." She was right i did like him, a lot. "You were humming."

My phone vibrated and i got a text saying 'bring your sleeping bags an meet us downstairs - Dalton' How did he get my number? 'Hey i gave Dalton your number, i hope that's ok.' I showed Shay both of the texts and she smiled at me. "Well for Cole, don't you think that that's a good thing so that you don't have to go through the kinda awkwardness of giving it to him or asking him for his? And as for Dalton's text I think we should go" my phone buzzed again 'bring your runners and a coat.' 'And five dollars. 😋' oh god, i know what this means "He just told me to bring our sneakers, sweaters and five dollars..... I bet you cole convinced him to sneak out to get ice cream. Cole and I used to do that before he joined the band." I was really excited to do this again. "Well then let's go!"

We got changed and walked downstairs. We saw all the boys sitting in a circle talking. "Hey guys." They all looked at me at once. "Hey!" Cole whispered and got up. "I was wondering if you wanted to go get ice cream like we used to?" Cole smiled at me like a little kid on Christmas morning and i smiled right back.

We all got our shoes and jackets on and headed out. We realized that my moms window was still open so we all walked out the back gate one at a time.

We started to walk down to the ice cream store that my cousin Matt owned (he says that we can come whenever we want and he won't tell my mom as long as if we ever get caught that we promise to never tell my mum that it was him who let us in) He lives in the apartment above the shop and doesnt have much in the way of a social life, so he is usually there. We were walking in three lines down the side walk; Me, and Shay at the front; Dalton and Cole behind us; and Dana, Will, and Gabe at the back. We arrived at the ice cream store and i texted Matt to come let us in. He always stayed up late anyway, it was almost 11:00 but he wouldnt care. 'Hey Matt it's Skylar, can you open up the ice cream shop for cole and i ?' I leaned on the wall beside the door 'hey! It's been awhile! I'll be down in a sec!' Soon enough i heard the door open and saw Matt.

I ran and hugged him and felt Cole join as well. "It's been like a year since i have seen you guys! How have you been?" I looked over at Cole, he has a lot more to talk about than i did. "We'll for starters i joined a band, this is Dana, Will, Gabe, and Dalton." Matt looked at cole. "That's awesome! And how about you Sky?" I thought about it and i honestly didn't have much i wanted to share. "Well i started writing songs with Shay and I honestly haven't done much else." Matt smiled, he was always so happy. "Well that's pretty cool. So do you guys want some ice cream." We all walked in and Matt gave us each some ice cream. We all sat down and talked about what we were going to when we got back and decided to play a game of truth or dare. We finished our ice cream, thanked Matt and left.

When we got home it was just starting to rain and as we walked in the yard we realized that my mum had turned off her light, closed her window and most likely gone to bed. So we, still quietly, walked back into the garage/rec. room and locked it up.

We all sat in our sleeping bags and made a circle. Because Will thought of the idea he thought that he deserved to go first. "Dana, Truth or Dare?" Dana looked at Will with a cocky smile "Dare." He said, Will smiled "Alright i dare you to..." Will thought for a moment. ".. I dare you to go stand in the rain for thirty seconds in just your boxers." Dana looked at Will, the window and then back at Will. "Do you see how hard it's raining?" Will smiled even more "Oh, I'm sorry i was unaware that you were a chicken. My apologies, please, let me think of something else." Dana looked at Will blankly. "Fine I'll go." Sure enough Dana took of his t-shirt and pyjama pants and went outside while Will stood in the doorway and counted "1,2,3.....29,30" by now Dana was soaked and shivering he walked back inside and quickly went to the washroom to change. When he got back he sat down and looked at Shay with a devilish grin. "Shay, Truth or Dare?" Shay seemed a little hesitant. "Truth." She said, not wanting to have to do anything to difficult. "If you could kiss anyone in this room who would it be?" Shay looked shocked and a little embarrassed. She looked down at her lap then stole a quick glance at Cole. 'Oh, My, God,' i thought to my self 'she likes Cole.'

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