The hostelry of Mr Smith

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I don't know if you know Melissa. If not, it is of no consequences,for if you know canada at all, You are probably well acquainted with a dozen towns just like it.
   There it's lies in a sunlight,sloping up from the little lake that spreads out at the foot of the hill side on which the town is built. There was a wharf beside a lake,laying along side of it a steamer that is tied to the wharf with two rope of about the same size as they use on the Lusitania the steamer goes no were in particular for the lake is land-locked. And there is no navigation for the Melissa Belle, expect to "Run Trips".On the first day of July and the queens birthday 🎊 and to take journey of the knight of "Pythons and sons of Temperance"to and from the local option townships.
  In point of geography the lake is called"Lake Wissanotti" and the river running out of it is the "Ossawippi".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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