chapter two: The girl who cried wolf.

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Sara: there's someone in the house.
Jena: calm down did you see what they looked like?
Sara: no but. It sounds like a boy.
Jena: do you recognize what there saying?
Sara: no, but there saying something about werewolf's and me.
Jena: I'm on my way. Sierra and lexi to.
Sara: please be carefully. He's not alone.
Sara puts her phone away as the man gets closer her heart beats faster.
Sara thinks to her self: I'm really going to die. He's right outside the door.
The door knob turns slowly. A tear slips down Sara's cheek.
The doors swings open.
Sara: Connor?
Connor: She's here!
Sara: Connor please don't...
Connor: why?
Sara: because I haven't had the chance to tell you that...
Connor: what?
Connor: I KNEW IT!
Jena: Told ya!
Connor : sorry Jena.
Jena: its fine.
Jena: oh yeah watch out for the dead body's on the floor.
Sara: okay. By the way how did donor get here so fast.
Connor: well I'm on team werewolf I could since you were in trouble.
Sara blushes.
Jena: and sierra is out side with lexi.
Jena leaves the room.
Sara: thanks.
Connor: don't mention it.
Sara losses Connor on the cheek.
Donor: what? What was that for?!
Sara leaves the room.
Sierra: sara if your gonna kiss people out of the blue you should get a room.
Jena and Lexi laugh.
Sara: what the fuck! You saw us!
Sierra: no. Its written all over your faces.
Lexi:  yeah you got lip stick on Connor!
Jena Lexi and sierra laugh.
Sara: why do you guys do this?
Connor: u-uh shouldn't we be making our way to u-h you know?
Jena: yeah I have the tents.
Sara: tents? As in camping?
Connor : kinda its a long trip were we are headed.
Sara: darn. I don't like long trips.
Connor: I could Cary you.
Jena: no your not. Sara my friend your not gonna make her fall for your tricks.
Sierra: let her learn.
Jena: fine. Don't come crying to me if your heart gets broken.
Lexi: Jena, that's because Everyone you dated were dumb asses.
Jena: true. Fine. Do what ever.
Sara: when are we leaving.
Lexi: now.
Connor: Lexi packed your bags.
Sara: okay.
Lexi: let's head out.
Jena: yay!! But... Who takes first watch tonight?
Lexi: we will find out on the way.
Night falls.
Sierra and Jena put the tents up.
Sierra: now who sleeps were in what tent with who?
Jena: no. Who takes watch first.
Lexi: me.
Sierra: okey. Now who were?
Jena: Sara and Connor. Me and sierra get our own tent!
Sara: no fair!
Connor: what?!
Sara: lord help me.
Jena: you kiss people you suffer the raff of sierra and she ships.
Sierra yea- hey wait a second!
Jena: night!
Jena goes in the tent and closes it.
Sierra: wow!
Sara: night?
Sara goes into the dark blue tent and sets up a bed.
Sara thinks to self: shit I for got my blanket.
Connor walks into tent.
Connor: everything okay?
Sara: yeah.....?
Connor: ...?
Connor: you forgot something?
Sara: yeah it dident matter now.
Connor: what?
Sara: my blanket.
Connor: I brought an extra if you want it.
Sara: no thanks.
Sara lays down and falls asleep.
Connor * sigh *
Sara was getting cold so Connor gave her a blanket.
Morning came.
Sara was the last one up bye the time they wanted to leave sara was still sleeping.
Sierra: I'll wake her up.
Connor: no. No.
Jena: ohhhhh Connor like sara?
Connor: shut up.
Sierra: if were not waking here up then how are we gonna get to our next stop.
Connor: I'll carry her till she wakes up.
Lexi: ships are sailing.
Connor rolls his eyes and picks up sara.
Lexi: is that all vampires or just sara?
Jena: sara. Defiantly sara.
After an hour of walking sara started to wake up.
Jena: ...?
Sara: why dident you wake me up?
Sierra: !!!!TOLD YOU!!!
Jena: Connor said not to.
Connor blushes.
After a long trip of walking.
sierra: next sleeping sight.
Sara: yay....
Jena: who takes next watch.
Connor: me.
Jena: okay then. Now help put up the tents.
After putting the tents up everyone else went to sleep.
*a twig breaks*
Connor: Who is there.
???: well I was left at home and thought I'd stop by heheh.
Connor: get away your the last person we need here!
???: fine I'll leave.
Connor: good.
???: after a fight.
Connor was nocked out.
Sara: Connor? What are you doing out there?
No answer.
Sara walks out the tent.
Sara: hello?
A wolf appears out of the cloud of shadows.
Wolf: sorry I had to do this.
Sara: do what?
Wolf: take everything from you.
Sara: you took nothing important.
Wolf: not yet. But soon.
Wolf walks in a circle around sara.
Sara: what do you want from me. I'm nothing important.
Wolf growls.
Wolf: your everything! The moment you were born your mother knew you were gonna be trouble!
Sara: lyes!!
Wolf: your father thought you were perfect. Ah yes the daughter of booth werewolf and neko. And now this! A vampire.
The only reason you were turned into a vampire  is because you have been living with humans!
Sara: I am a human.
Wolf: Take your from as a wolf or a neko! Ask your friends. They know your important that's why there trying to hide you from me. Sara.
Sara: leave now!
Wolf: I'll see you soon. Daughter.
Sara: !!!?!?
To be continued! Thanks for reading sorry I haven't updated and crap. I'll start making a book so you will have schedules on when this book or another book will come out also letting you know events I'm not gonna update or if something happens I'll notify you after

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