Birthday at GMA

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Sting POV
It was right before me and rouge vs natsu and  gajell in the grand magic games.
Natsu was walking to fairy tail part of watching the game with everybody, I  came up to him and tapped his shoulder with that natsu turned around.
"Hey happy birthday natsu" everyone was shocked I guess they didn't know it was his birthday. In return he hugged me and muttered.
"Thanks little cuz" he smiles at me
"Hey I'm not the little cuz anymore" I say load enough for everyone to hear.
"CUZ" they all scream
"Ye he's my cousin did I forget to say that" natsu rubs the back of his head smiling.
"Hey and what did he mean by not being the little one anymore arnt you still older then him with the 7 year gap" Lucy asks
"Nope he's now 2 years older then me"
"3 years natsu" I corrected
"Oh ye" he answers sheepishly
"Natsu how old are you Turing today" erza asks
He pretends to not hear her so I answer instead
"He turned 15 today"
"He's 15!!"
"omfg he's so young"
"Now that's surprising"
The day went on with people talking about his age and how he beat up his cuz in the fight.

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