Chapter 5 - Dinner for 6

Start from the beginning

As soon as the Maxwell's arrived they both leapt into action. She was introduced to the couple, and instantly loved Mrs Maxwell, a glamorous woman in her fifties, who oozed friendship and warmth. Within moments Melissa was being shown snaps of grandchildren. Cynthia was a charming and friendly gentlelady, a term that was rarely used anymore, but perfectly described her. Melissa was charmed. 

"Ah, here's Samantha!" Cynthia announced, waving across the bar. "Come and meet Melissa darling, Liam's been keeping her hidden away!"

Melissa watched as a tall blond woman accompanied by a shorter dark haired man crossed the room towards them, her face a beaming smile. 

"Oooh!" Samantha chuckled, "so he is human after all! We've been wondering!" She pulled Melissa into a quick hug at the same time whispering, "and does he smile more in private? He's always so serious!"

Melissa smiled her eyes twinkling, "now who am I to kiss and tell?"

She glanced up at Liam as she chatted to the two women, and found him watching her. The warmth she saw in his gaze rapidly disappeared as he met her eyes, but as she returned to the conversation, in was only a few seconds before she felt his eyes on her again.

The three women were like old friends in moments, they had a lot in common, not least their mutual appreciation of Paul Newman. Cynthia had seen him in a restaurant across the street a few years earlier and all three had swooned at the thought.

"I always thought Liam had the look of Paul about him," Samantha whispered, her tongue a little looser after a couple of glasses of wine.

Melissa burst into laughter, loud enough that it attracted the men's attention, and waited until they resumed their conversation to lean in and say, "Newman? You're comparing that grumpy bastard to a beautiful Hollywood legend?"

Cynthia chuckled, "come on Melissa, we were hoping you'd fill us in on his fine points, he's been an enigma Liam Hart!"

Melissa took her hand and smiled, "I imagine that EVERYTHING you imagine about him is true!" The one thing Melissa couldn't deny was that Liam did have charisma as well as intrigue. She wouldn't hear of him being compared to Paul Newman, but in some ways she thought he was more beautiful...not that she'd ever tell him that!

When the men moved into the dining room, they meandered in after them, sitting together talking about family, TV, anything and everything. The men were engrossed in business discussions. The food was wonderful, as was the company and Melissa managed to forget where and why she was in this New York restaurant for a while. She loved socialising, meeting new people, she was well read and not unintelligent, and opportunities like this dinner with interesting people was anything but a chore.

She did, however, realise that whilst she was chatting amicably, she was also consuming a lot of wine, so she ordered some iced water from a waiter. As it arrived, Cynthia leaned over to Liam, "So where did you meet this wonderful young thing?"

He smiled, and was about to speak when Melissa cut him off a wicked look on her face as she sensed a chance to wind him up. He was so straightlaced, that she couldn't resist, revenge, after all could come in so many forms!

"He won't tell you the truth Cynthia; he enrolled at the same dance class as me. After a few evenings we realized we got on well." Liam rolled his eyes as Cynthia and Samantha scooted forward to hear more, excited smiles plastered on each of their faces. The two husbands were relaxed back in their chairs watching the pantomime unfold, neither wanting to exchange places and be the topic of scrutiny of these three women.

"Dancing? What type?" Cynthia's eyes were wide, his jaw had dropped in amazement.

After a glance at Liam's contorted face, Melissa turned back to the women and with a wicked smile answered, "salsa!"

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