Chapter 1

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Maura's POV
My name is Maura Isles I'm chief medical examiner and a mom of two precious daughters. The oldest of my daughters is Santana she is 17. She is the troublemaker of the family. My youngest daughter Emily she is 15 and is my quiet swimmer.

It's Friday evening and I'm about to leave work to go watch Emily's swim meet. As I'm walking out of my office I spot my girlfriend Jane. Jane and I have been together for about 2 years. But we have have been friends for about 10 years. She has been by my side since the divorce from ex husband Wayne. She has helped me with the girls.There was always a attraction between us. 

Jane "where are you off to? I was coming down to ask you if you wanted to grab dinner."

Maura "Emmy has a swim meet today. Would you like to come to the swim meet? And then after we can all go to dinner."

Jane "yeah let's do that I love watching Emily swim."

They get in Maura's car and her Jane make their way to Boston high school. 

Jane "will Santana be joining us today?"

Maura "I'm not sure"
Maura shrugged and just payed attention to the road. Lately her relationship with her older daughter has been strained. As they arrive into the school they see Santana leaning against her car talking to her girlfriend Quinn. As they approach the young couple they hear a small argument.

Santana "stop being such an asshole Q it's one party"

Quinn "I'm not being an ass I just don't want you going without me. You know how you get."

Santana "not my problem that mommy and daddy Fabray won't let you out tonight. Now baby I'm going out and I promise I won't get to drunk."

Quinn "at least call me if you need a ride home"

As Santana leaned into give Quinn a kiss she noticed her mom and Jane approach. She pulled back from Quinn.

Quinn "Hey Ms. Isles hey Detective Rizoli"

Maura "hello Quinn how are you?"

Quinn " I'm great. Look San I will catch you later I have to go meet my parents. Call me later."

Quinn gave Santana a kiss on her cheek and left. Santana just smiled at her mom and Jane.

Maura "San will you be joining us to watch Emily's swim meet"

Santana "no sorry can't mom"

Maura "why not Santana I thought tonight we can have dinner after."

Santana " I have plans!"

Jane can tell the conversation was turning left quickly.

Jane "Maura the meet is about to start let's go get a seat."

Maura was about to protest but looked at her watch. Before walking away Maura stopped Santana.

Maura "Santana you aren't going out tonight and when we get home you better be there."

Santana rolled her eyes got in her car and drove off. Jane grabbed Maura's hand and brought it up to her lips and gave it a kiss.

Jane "it's going to be okay Maura."

Maura "I just don't know what's going on with her."

Santana's POV
My mom really thinks I'm not going out tonight. Shit it's Friday and I'm going to gets my party on.  As I pull into the drive way of my house I hear my text chime go off in my group chat.

Group chat

Britt Britt "what time are we meeting up 🍾"

Rach "who is driving"

Hanna "not me"

Santana "def not me plus my mom really just tried to ground me. Hanna I'm grabbing my shit and coming to your house."

Britt Britt "let's just all meet at Hanna's and pregame"

Rach " fine but we are taking an Uber"

All the girls agree that an Uber is the best choice.

After taking a quick shower I put on a pair of sweatpants and throw my hair up in a messy bun. I grabbed my make up and my shortest dress I could find. I had to make sure if I did see Quinn tonight she knows what she is missed out on. Double checking that I have everything I make my way to my car to head to Hanna's house.

Maura's POV

Jane and I are cheering for Emily. I can't help but fall in love with Jane more more. She is there for the girls and I. Emily places first which I'm not surprised my daughter can swim. Emily ca got out of the water and her team mates rallied around her all giving her a high five. After noticing Jane and I in the stands she gives us a small wave

Maura " great job honey"

Jane " you really kicked butt"

Emily "thanks guys. Santana didn't come?"

Emily really admired her older sister. Even though they argued Santana always had her back.

Maura "she went home honey sorry. Go get changed we are going to go out for celebratory dinner."

Emily "okay mom I will be back in 15 minutes"

No One's POV

The girls were getting ready in Hanna's room. Hanna came back from downstairs with a few shot glasses and bottle of patron. She poured each girl a shot.

Hanna "cheers bitches"

Britt "so sanny will Quinn be joining us tonight."

Santana "nope not tonight"

she said this as she poured another shot for herself

Britt "why not did you guys another fight"

Santana "no she has to do something with her family."

Rachel " are you guys ready. I'm about to order an uber"

The Uber arrived and the girls made there way to Spencer Hastings Party.

Isles House

After arriving home from dinner and Maura noticed that Santana's car is not in the driveway. Maura pulled the car in the garage. Emily got out of the car first.

Emily "mom I'm going inside to take a shower and then I'm Aria is going to pick me up"

Maura "okay honey where are you girls headed tonight"

Emily "there is a little get together so we might stop by there"

Maura "no problem Jane and I are going to head into the backyard  and have a glass of wine. Just tell me when you are leaving"

Emily "okay mom"

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