King Zach

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Zachs POV

I was sitting in my wooden throne looking all bored until all a sudden..
"King Zach! King Zach!" One of my peasants yelled. "What.." I responded with a monotone. "Your husband..,he's dead.." That's when the whole world stopped for me. My husband, Jesus Beaverton DIED. He was in the beaver war. The war has been going on for weeks now, every beaver solider and Mage is dying. "Go..Go now!" My tiny hand was shaking from the terror. My eyes were red and burning with sorrows. Why. That's the only question I could ask myself. I had to tell the kids.

I got up from the wooden dusty throne and went to their room. "Kids?" I knocked on their door. "Yeah daddy?" They both answered. They looked so innocent and weak. If I told them they so depressed and hurt. But I had to tell them, I had too. "Kids..Je- I mean..ugh, your father.."

"What about him?"

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