I shrug, Scott doing the same and we watch as Kate defeated stands up from her seat next to Dad and stomps to the back and sits on the couch in front of us.
"Why don't you guys ever back me up?"

"Don't you think you are being a bit dramatic? Plus, you know Lili will never go against Dad and I don't back you up because I know it annoys you so..."
Angrily she threw a pillow hitting him in the face.

"Look Kate, whatever Dad's doing I'm sure he has his reasons and you getting mad every time you bring this up won't help." I move my hand to her shoulder as I get up and walk to the small bathroom in the RV.


It was the day everything changed.

A eight year-old girl placed at the back of the room playing with the last thing she had left of Emília.

A small pendant that adorned her small neck. Though it was still to big on her she never took it off. She always new that Emília wasn't her biological mother, she new that, but Emília was the only person she ever had as a mother figure. Liliana didn't remember much about the years before, only the time with Emília. The nagging feeling of remembering the years before were always there.

Liliana was found attached to Emília's decapitated body. The police gently speaking to her. The child's eyes held so much pain and hollowness. At first they had thought she was dead too, but once they noticed the up and downs her chest made they knew she was alive. She didn't blink, didn't speak, or cry. Half an hour ago she had given all the tears she had, what was left was a shell.

After that week Emília's death was left as a wild animal attack and that the young girl was alive because she had hid.

Now, she had been left at an orphanage. She didn't care to make friends, anyone who looked for her would always find her clutching onto a pendant and reading a book, huddled against a wall. Months passed as families came and every time they were interested in her their interest disappeared once they realized what had occurred and her other "problems".

Nobody wanted a "problematic" child.

She was filled with problems, she remembered the way a couple expressed themselves about her. Until finally the Fuller family appeared. Jennifer Fuller instantly had her eye on Liliana. She new she was special. Jacob and Jennifer immediately asked for her, through the entire process they visited her, bought her toys and after the process was done the Fuller couple and their two children left with the young girl who wore a small smile on her lips.

E N D Of F L A S H B A C K

I observed my self through the dirty mirror. That certain memory making me smile for meeting the Fuller's. Because of this, I have always been close to Scott we had that in common being adopted, we certainly got along better. Though Kate has always been there for both of us, she didn't understand but she listened. Kate has always listened.

A sudden pain clouded my head. I instantly winced grabbing on to the sides of the sink.

"It's almost time to reunite."

A woman voice softly whispered.

"It's almost time."

S A C R I F I C E  // From Dusk Till DawnWhere stories live. Discover now