She stopped giggling when she watched all the Fibers fall, courtesy of Hoshi's blade. Ryuko went to stab her, but had apparently been duked, as Nui stabbed her through her windpipe. Apparently, Ryuko had the upper hand and had anticipated the attack. She disarmed Nui and then proceeded to cut her arms off.

"How could you cut them off? I am the Grand Couturier!" Nui screeched.

"That's exactly why I cut them off." Ryuko replied, monotonously.

"That's okay. They'll be back to normal in no time!" Nui smiled, before she watched her once twitching and severed arms stop moving.

"Take that." Ryuko said, stepping on one arm. "And that." She stepped on the other.

Nui was furious with everyone in general, and began to blabber on and on about how she was pissed with everyone. By the end of her exclamation about how pissed she was. Honoumaru flew in with some of the Covers to protect Nui.

Honoumaru grabbed Nui by her severed arms and lifted her into the helicopter. Inumuta tried to shoot them down, but some of the Covers got in the way.

"Nice shot." Hoshi chuckled.

"You've been awake for what? Ten minutes? And you're starting to tease me. I can't say I'm surprised." Inumuta rolls his eyes, as he pulls out more suction devices for the other Elites to collect.

"Medics! Take these people and treat them!" Satsuki yelled.

Hoshi watched, eyes sparkling in wonder at the teamwork between everyone. A smile tugged at her lips, but faded the longer she stared at Satsuki. She sheathed her katana, and walked down to the lower decks.

"Where are you going?" Inumuta asked her.

"To think." Hoshi sighed, as she turned to look at him.

"You shouldn't dwell on the thought of almost killing Satsuki-sama." Inumuta points out, tracking the progress of the Life Fiber collection.

"If you knew what it meant to me to do such a thing, you'd understand." Hoshi sighs, before walking away.

"You can't go away just yet, aren't you going to say 'hello' to me first?" Ryuko asked, now standing on the upper platform.

"Of course. Hello, Ryuko-kun." Hoshi smiled, before pulling the girl into her still wet arms.

"That's disgusting. You're still wet." Ryuko whined, trying to push herself away from Hoshi.

"Hmm. Good point." Hoshi smiled, as her scarf began to glow white.

The jaguar formed and it's eyes twinkled as it looked up at Hoshi. Hoshi released Ryuko and Kaze started to blow wind in her direction, drying her off.

"How did you get so wet anyways?" Ryuko asked, as the two girls walked back down onto the main deck.

"I don't know, in all honesty. I just woke up soaking wet. Maybe water spilled into the room or something?" Hoshi shrugged her shoulders as they stopped in front of Satsuki.


"If you let me punch you, maybe I'll forgive you." Ryuko smirked.

"Are you kidding, Ryuko? Any normal human would die upon impact on one of your punches!" Aikido exclaimed.

"But, Satsuki isn't a normal human." Ryuko argued, before turning away.

She charged, ready to punch Satsuki. Maybe not completely ready. It was obvious to everyone that she was going to hold back, but that didn't stop someone from stopping Ryuko.

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