Men and Monsters: A Minecraft Story

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The planet Elap had been populated with life for 2,326 years, four months, and fifteen days. All of its people had chosen their role in life. The Dawnermen were found mostly underground, searching for crystal fragments, darkstone, and gems. Endermen would travel to different places, for they were explorers. However, this tale is not about them. This is the story of the swinermen.

Swinermen were very strange people. They shared similar features with pigs. No one knew if they were distantly related or not. This fact gave them the title of "Pigmen." Every single swinerman hated this name. It angered and humiliated them. But, as much as they wanted to, they did not use violence against those who called them pigmen. Instead, they lived in peace in their towns. However, there were beings on Elap who were not as forgiving.

Throughout the skies of the rain forests, ghasts flew in herds. They were the some of the most beautiful creatures to ever glide through the planet's magenta sky. Ghasts, like most creatures, were telepathic. They communicated to each other using what they called a "Mental Song."  Unfortunately for them, the were constantly hunted for their regenerative D.N.A. More specifically, their tears. Ghasts were filled with a powerful energy that could heal any wound, except for their own.

This is not how Notch intended our lives to be. We should be superior. These were the thoughts of one individual ghast. His name was Cuutro. He was furious, and had every right to be. Imagine how you would feel if your species was hunted for the welfare of small creatures that you couldn't care less about. You would most likely feel angry, and afraid that you would be next. This is how Cuutro felt all the time. In fact, every ghast on the planet felt that way. They always had wanted to take revenge, but none of them knew what they would do. None of the ghasts were very smart. All except for Cuutro. He had been planning a method of attack for months. There was only one problem. While ghasts could shoot fire charges from their mouths, they could not aim very well. They only used it when they felt threatened by someone or something, so not many were able to get much target practice since those that were hunted were killed rather quickly. Plus, even if they could aim well, the dawnermen and endermen would deflect the fire charges with their swords, which would hit and kill the ghasts. Cuutro needed an army on the ground to take out those who fought back. Eventually, he finally thought of something.

A small swinermen town was getting rained on. They did not enjoy rain, because it blocked out the warmth of Elap's sun, Vyy. Most of them went into their huts, but the workers continued through the storm. Anyone who knew anything about swinermen could always be sure that when one of them wanted or needed something done, they were determined to make sure that it happened. Suddenly, a shadow filled the sky. It had blocked out the rain. Everyone came out of their huts and looked up.

Cuutro had finally gathered every ghast in his herd and had convinced them to fight along side him against those who hunted them down. He had decided who his smaller army would be. The swinermen. They were perfect for the job. All that they needed was a little encouragement.

Attention, Cuutro said to the town through telepathy. I am Cuutro. I have a proposal for your entire clan. Ever have anyone call you "pigmen?" All of the swinerman cringed at the mention of that name. Well, how would you like to make them feel the pain you've felt?

"Nice shot, Kappische. Notch, you're up," Ridgedog said. It was the annual Explosive Archery Competition in Stockholm Castle. Everyone loved to watch the games. Nothing could ruin a day good as this. At least, that's what everyone wanted to believe.  After Notch had taken his turn, he saw someone in the corner of his eye. His secret messenger had come with news. Notch said that he had to step out for a moment, and went to see what his message was.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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