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I wake up in a light, ruggid room. Aka my new room. The hard wooden floors were cold as ice. "Mom turn on the heat!" I yell "I did!" she yelled back. I sighed and turned around. I take my sheets off my bed. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" I scream. My mom ran up the stairs. "What's wrong?!" she asked. "There is a dead rat in my fuckin bed!" I yell. The rat was dead and had a circle of blood around him. "Ugh, go get me my rubber gloves." Mom said disgusted. I come back upstairs with her gloves and a trash can. "How did you not notice it?" "I don't know I didn't feel it." I mumble. "Now you need new bed sheets. Which actually is perfect timing." mom said as she threw out the rat. "Perfect timing?" I ask. "Yeah we are gonna go clothes shopping soon. So get ready." She says as she carries the sheets downstairs. "But Jerimiah." I whisper. I get ready for shopping as my mom settles in the car. I lock the door with my key and hop in the car.
Its a long drive, so I popped my ear phones in for the rest of the car ride. An hour later we finally got to the store. I tried on millions of different dresses. It wasn't till the 7th dress I tried on, I found the one I wanted. It was black and white with lace. "Honey did you like any?" Mom asked. "Yea but only this one." I hold up the dress. "Oh this would be perfect for school." She got all excited. We got my new bed sheets and we left. We got back to the house and Jeremiah was waiting for me on the porch. "You ready?" He asked. I looked at my mom and she nodded her had yes. "Um, yea I guess." I say awkwardly. "Okay great!" He takes me by the hand and starts running in the woods. We finally get there and im out of breath. "Okay so why did you want to show me this?" I ask. "Well supposedly it's cursed, and I wanted to check it out but I couldn't do it by myself." He said. Before I could speak back, he said. "Ill go get a bucket, I wanna see how deep it is." He ran off. "Um okay." I mumble as I turn around to look at the well. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around, but nothing was there. Then I was forcefully pushed down the well. Or what it seemed was that I fell, but that wasn't it. I finally hit the water. I look up and soon I fall into a deep sleep.

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