Chapter 3: This is our home?!

Start from the beginning

After talking for a while pansy and I decide to go visit Draco and Blaise.


"Sup brother" I say as I enter their room. "What do you want?" He replies.

"I have an idea. Truth or dare."

"How do you play?" Questions pansy.

"You ask some one truth or dare and if they say dare you dare them to do something harmless and if they say truth you ask them a question. You must do what ever the truth or dare is though."

"I'm in" states Draco. Blaise and pansy both agree.

"Blaise truth or dare" the evil glare in my eyes making him nervous.

"Dare" he squeaks

"Perfect" I say. "Go tell mother you broke her favorite vase".

He turns pale but agrees.

"I'll go since Blaise is busy" says Draco. "Ali truth or dare?" "Truth". "What is your biggest fear?" "The dark" I choke out blushing furiously.

"Pansy, truth or dare?"

"Dare duh!" She replies as Blaise walks into the room looking like he saw nearly-headless Nick remove his head. "She was madder than the mad hatter! I could barely explain it was a dare and the vase is still fine!" He whispers sitting back down.

I turn back to pansy. "I dare you to eat a handful of every flavor beans." Her face turns slightly green as she walks over to the bag and grabs some.

After pansys dare is completed she looks at Draco. "Truth or dare?" "Dare." "End every sentence for the next 45 minutes with I have to pee got it?"exclaims a smirking pansy.

Theres a knock on the door. "Come in!" I call.

"Children it's time you head to bed" says my father getting unhappy looks in response.

"Ok" I say dragging Pansy with me.

"Night!" We call out on our way down the hall.


"Pansy?" I asked walking over to the bed. "Yes?" She replied plopping down on the bed next to me. "Do you think the whole greengrass family will hate me?" I say staring at a wall.

"I don't think they will. Daphne is the only attention crazed person in the family."

"That makes me feel much better. Thanks Pansy" I reply giving her a hug.

"I have another question."

"What is it?"

"How long have you known Blaise?"

"Since birth why?"

"I want to know more about him. Like, what's his favorite color? Favorite food or drink? Favorite dessert or candy? OH MY GOD! I don't know when our birthday is!"

"Woah! Slow down! First of all navy blue, peanut butter, some red muggle candy -red licorice I think?- and your birthday, January 13th. 3 days before mine and 11 after Draco's." (I know this isn't their real birthdays but bear with me)

"Thank you so much Pansy!" Tackling her in a hug. "We should probably be getting bed soon. Sleep tight."


Blaise P.O.V

"Draco! Wake up!" I yell dumping a glass of water on him.

"What?!" Replies an angry Draco.

""Breakfast is ready." "You woke me up just for this?" "No. it's Christmas Eve too." "Oh cause that makes it better. Now let me sleep." " you asked for it." I say as I pummel him with a pillow. "Don't make me get Ali and Pansy to help." "I'm up! I'm up!" "That's what I thought now come on!"


Alessia P.O.V

"Children, you need to dress nice for we are going to the Malfoy's Christmas ball today. Blaise, Draco, your father is taking you shopping for a tux. Pansy and Alessia, I will take you shopping for dresses." "Yay!" Pansy and I say simultaneously. "Girls" Blaise says with a roll of his eyes making Draco laugh. "Let's leave now!" I say grabbing Pansy's hand. "Come on mother!"



I have decided to ask question at the end of each chapter so here is it. Which Harry Potter character would you bring back if you could use the resurrection stone? I would choose Snape.

My next chapter may be a day or two late due to exams.

Don't forget to vote or comment! Until next time my lovely readers.

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