Chapter 25: The Secrets Of Past Revealed

Start from the beginning

"Maddy, the carts alone was enough to get you grounded for life let's not bring up anymore  past offences." He said angered.

"Ever since I came back from London you've been acting like this. Any little thing I do, pisses you off. One wrong word and it's off to Alcatraz. Is there something you're not telling me?" I replied upset.

"Please continue you're on roll. Tell me Dr.Phil. What, if not for the catastrophic event of yesterday, could I be punishing you for?" He retorted sarcastically.

"It doesn't take a phd. to know that you're still mad that I left London. Tell me Dad, tell me I'm wrong. I'd been gone for almost eight years against my will, and all I got for an explanation was, it's for a better education. I'm not twelve anymore Dad, tell me the truth. Why did you send me away?" My eye watered involuntarily. I saw my Dad's angered expression falter for a moment, but then his defenses were back up.

"Madeline, I don't know what's gotten into lately. I don't know what you want me to tell you. I wanted you to have a better education. So yes, I'm upset that you graduated from a mediocre school after having the chance of a lifetime back in London. Yes, I'm angry that you threw it all away over some guy you were allegedly in love with."

"Allegedly in love with?" I replied in disbelief.

"Yes allegedly. First you swore by your life that you were in love with Zac, then a couple months later you were head over heels that idiot...Jared, and now who is it Maddy? Aiden, Zac again perhaps." He hissed. I felt like I had been slapped.

"That's really low." I shook my head in disbelief.  "At least for a time they showed me they loved me!" I retorted, resigned. 

"What is that supposed to mean?" He replied frustrated.

"Just answer one question Dad. If it were up to you, would I be in London still, even after graduation?" I said sick of arguing.

"If it was my choice, yes,  you'd still be in London. You wanted the truth there it is." He exasperated.

"Thank You. If you don't want me around, that's just fine. You wish I was thousand of miles away? Wish granted!" I replied coldly with tears streaming down my cheeks. His voice calling after me echoed down the hall, but I might as well have been deaf. Out of all of the betrayal. Out all the anger and hurt I've felt over the years. I don't think I've ever experienced my heart being torn out until now. I never gave anyone that much power over me; not Jared, not Aiden, not Zac, not even Cameron. But my Dad? I loved my Dad more than anything in the world. How could he be so heartless and cruel?

I swung the glass door of a building, open. Any other day I would have feared shattering it, but not today. Not now. I charged towards my cabin. I had no desire to speak with anybody, I just needed to get out of there, immediately. I saw Shelly standing outside of the cabin, and I knew this was not going to have a good outcome. All I had to do was ignore her, go straight into the cabin, pack my things and go. I walked towards her.

"Hey you, we need to talk!" She shouted at me. I ignored her and kept walking towards my cabin. There were others standing by. I assume they were just there to check out the new arrival, but now were interested in the show that was about to go down.

"You're the freaking reason Aiden broke up with me so I want answers. Who the heck do you think you are? What, you think you can just steal other people's boyfriends and get away with it?" She demanded. When she noticed I kept walking, she yanked my arm and all I saw was red.

"Look I don't want anything to do with Aiden. We were nothing to him an hour ago and we aren't anything now, so let me go." I hissed, pulling my arm out of her hand.

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