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The woman (Kamini) strode into the hallway, dressed to kill in a short skirt and halter top, looking too thin too pale, but otherwise much better than she had the last time he (Sanskar) had seen her 2 months ago. He used to consider her s*xy as hell; now the sight of her made his stomach turn. She was still pretty in that predatory cat kind of way, but the shortcomings of her character blotted out any attraction he might have once felt.

The technician showed up at that exact moment or Sanskar would have thrown her out on her a*s without a second thought. Instead, he briefed the man on the problem then returned to find her in his office sitting behind his desk, rifling through the drawers like a deranged squirrel foraging for nuts. He stood in the doorway watching her untill she sensed his presence & looked up with an unabashed grin.

Kamini- Where are your cigarettes? I'm dying for a smoke.
She resumed digging.
Sanskar- I quit. And there's no smoking in the building. You'll have to go outside.

And once she went outside, he'd bolt the door behind her.
Kamini- You quit smoking?
She smirked & rolled her eyes.
Sanskar- Right.
The laughter died on her lips as he strode around to her side of the desk.
Sanskar- I thought I told you to leave me alone. What part of that did you not understand?
He slammed the drawer shut with a bang, narrowly missing her fingers.

Nothing ever changed with her. She was as irritating as that damned back door buzzer. With a heavy sigh, he removed her forcibly from his chair & took a seat there himself.

Kamini- If I didn't know better, I'd think that you weren't glad to see me.
Her lower lip jutted out in an insincere pout. There had been a time when that expression might have tugged at his heart, but that days were long past.

Sanskar- What do you want? More money?
He sat back in his chair, assessing her.
Sanskar- Well, tough shirt. I'm broke. You won't get another cent out of me. You'll have to find some other sucker to bleed dry.
Kamini- Don't get your pa*ti*s in a twist, Sanskar. What makes you think I want something? Maybe I'm just here to see you.
As she smiled, the slanted blue eyes crinkled at the corners in amusement.

Sanskar- You never do anything without an ulterior motive.
Kamini- I could say same about you.
She parked her butt on the edge of his desk & swung a long leg back & forth.
Kamini- Why are you always so pissed at me? You're not still upset about that little thing happened, are you?

He sighed and scrubbed his face with his hands b4 he spoke...
Sanskar- It wasn't a small thing. You slept with brother.😠😠😡😡
Kamini- I don't know why you keep bringing that up. It was years ago. You know, its not healthy to harbor so much negativity inside. Maybe you should take some anger management classes...
Sanskar- Look Kam, I'm busy. Say what you need to say and get out.

She cocked her head to one side like a bird. Not wanting to encourage her with conversation, he waited while she formulated her next move. And all too fimiliar expression of contemplation hovered on the heart-shaped face; he could see the wheels turning behind those exotic eyes and knew that danger lurked just around the corner.

Kamini- I don't want anything from you, Sanskar. I'm in town for business and wanted to say hello.
She hopped into the corner of his desk, crossing her long shapely legs at the knee, baring a good deal of thigh in the process.
Sanskar- You don't know anyone here. You're unemployed. What business you could possibly have here?
Kamini- Oh, this & that.
She attempted to pick up a stack of invoices from the desk, but he slammed a hand down on the papers. She jumped to her feet.
Kamini- Gheesh! What is your problem?
Sanskar- You are my problem.
He said, as the pondong b/w his temples started up once more. He needed aspirin and a beer, maybe several beers, if he ever wanted to feel normal again.
Sanskar- Whatever you're selling, I'm not buying. Now take your scrawny a*s out of here b4 I throw you out.

😎ROLLING DRUNK😉Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ