Chapter Juan

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•Avis' POV•

This is it. This. Is. Really. It. Theres No backing out now. You can do this Avis. You've waited a year doing preparations for this. What's with the hesitation? I thought to myself, trying to build up some courage so I can finally get this over with, whilst looking at the full body length mirror, with white colored rims surrounding it, as I sit on a white leather sofa wearing a beautiful lacy sky blue wedding gown, gripping tightly a bouquet of white-peachy roses.

I sighed to myself and look down at my fingers fidgeting with the ribbon wrapped around the roses to keep it in place.

Only an hour left till' my wedding ceremony. I have been counting the time since I arrived at the venue where I will be waiting until it was ready to go to church.

I looked up at the beautiful white ceilings as I felt my eyes getting teary.

I am not crying out of happiness, no. I am crying out of sadness. Ironic isn't it? Its my 22nd birthday, and my wedding day. Shouldn't I be happy?

I mentally snort at that thought. Happy? Seriously? Right now it would be the most ridiculous thing. Why? Because why would you be happy if you're this young and being forced to marry someone who in your entire existence of life never knew but in a snap of a finger your getting married to a complete stranger--who might I add, could be a hot tempered, cold blooded murderer--because your parents said so, especially when you've been a good girl following every single thing your parents tell you to do.

What kind of present is this? It's my fucking birthday, I should be celebrating and not trapped in this madness.

Well... either way I don't have a choice, plus I already prepared for this for months, so how am I only complaining now?

Maybe because I thought before that everything was just a joke or a terrible dream, a nightmare, but now this is fucking reality, and I can't wake up from it.

"What have I done to myself?" I mumbled in exhaustion, whilst laying my forehead on my hands. It's aching so much with all these thinking and emotions. Can ya'll just chill. Like seriously.

Okay great, I'm losing my mind.

"Thats it!!" I let out a low frustrated scream that can only be heard in the room that I am in.

"I'm finally deciding for myself, even if this will be the end of me" I say with determination, as I stood up from my seat and throw down my bouquet.

I picked up the red lipstick from the vanity that was right next to the door and wrote a simple message on the full body length mirror, saying "Bye Bitcheeeees!!! 💋" Ha!! Just kidding. I wish I could write that but i'd be more than damned if I did, not that I wont be more than damned if I runaway but oh well, their still my parents, and my... ex arranged fiancé?? Anyways what I really wrote was.

[To mom and dad,
I know this may shock you, but I just couldn't put myself do it. I know I have been a good daughter and kept following everything you say, and I know its all for the betterment of my future, but this is just too much.

You've been thinking too much about the future but have you evert thought about my feelings?

I'm really sorry, I hope you could understand and forgive me.

Love, your daughter, Avis.

P.S: Mr. King {Avis' supposed fiancé} marry someone that your truly love, thats what's marriage is all about. My best wishes.]

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