Goodbye Texas Hello Compton

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Anyone boarding plane 456 please aboard your plane. Anyone boarding plane 456 please aboard your plane. I heard the announcer say.

That's me , I said with my eyes full of tears. I couldn't help , but cry. I'm about leave all my family and friends here in Texas and move to compton.

Imma miss yall, I said to everyone.

Aww imma miss you too boo, My friend Melanie said also crying. I think imma miss her the most.We been down we each other since we were divas in diapers.

I gave her a huge hug.

Ayy, we gonna miss you too. My cousins Marcus and Kevin said. They get on my nerves sometimes , but at the end we know we got eachothers back.

Next I went to my now ex boyfriend tre'. Im really gonna miss my bae. We broke up because we knew we wouldn't be able to last a long distance relationship, so we just skipped the drama and the stressing and just broke it off.

Next, I gave the rest of my friends and family hugs and kisses and made my way to the plane.

I swear once that plane went into the air I broke down. All my emotions just came all at once. I soon fell into a deep sleep.

I was awaken by a flight attendent when the plane finally landed. My dad ended up coming here a couple days ago to get things settled , so I was getting picked up by him.

India, someone called. I looked up and saw my dad standing in front of his car waving for me to come.

On the way to the house, I admired the view. I dont care what anyone says Compton is beautiful. We finally pulled up to the house and I have to say it was pretty huge.

I got out of the car and grabbed my bags and headed into the house. The outside was only half as big as the inside. My dad showed me to my room and it was four times as big as my old room.

Living here might not be so bad after all, I said to myself, until I realized I had to start a new school tomorrow. ugh.

*pic of her and tre' in mm

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