We enter the forest he stays close by to prevent me from becoming fearful but I’m not and I won’t be. I’m a big girl I don’t need some guy to watch over me. If I was still mortal and I came through here I would be petrified, I've never really considered coming in here before, being amongst trees didn't appeal to me, now I've changed maybe I was ignorant. I feel somewhat more independent, I bet once I'm trained I will be able to protect myself.

For some strange reason I feel so blissful to be walking through the forest with Nicholas just me and him it is undisturbed, rural and serene. It’s pleasantly perfect; the woods look so enchanting and enveloped with hidden wonders. It’s filled with tall ancient hollow trees that nearly reach the sky; the sky that you can only see little holes of through the tree leaves and old creaky branches, when you look up it looks perfect and astonishing. The trees tower of you perfectly as if they were only there to protect you and keep you safe; the trees are the forest’s broad body guards. The ground is covered with millions of leaves and little twigs. So at my every step there is some sort of noise either snapping twigs or crunching leaves.

It’s funny how I feel so at peace with the world in such a deviating and possibly even hazardous place. It's not as bad as I assumed it would be, instead of scary it looks sacred, and instead of dark it looks devious, and instead of frightening it looks fictitious. It is very admiring. The luscious smell of the trees and sweet Mother Nature attack my ever so sensitive nose, instead of sneezing or having an itchy nose nothing happens.

 How come? I distract myself from my weird odd thoughts by looking at Nicholas and giving him a cheeky grin he looks back at me and smiles. I bet he has a lot on his mind, he seems like he's carrying the world on his shoulders... and maybe his is. We keep walking through the woods until we are directly in the center.

“Stop here no one can possibly see us or find us,” He states.

“Ok but where are the animals,” I reply.

“They will come we just have to sit and be patient I will start a fire for us to sit around,” He teases

“Why make a fire? So we can cook the animals on,” I ask not thinking straight.

He laughs and shakes his head.

“No. We feed on them raw its better but its best to feed on them while they still have a heartbeat so their blood is nice and warm and taste a whole lot better..." So why do we need the fire?

"The fire will attract deer and stags which since you’re a newbie you’re better off feeding on a deer first, they don’t fight as much and are not that strong but to warm up their blood you should chase them and with your speed that you’re at now it’s perfect to catch a deer,” He replies with a hint of teasing in his tone.

“Okay...” I reply feeling a little stupid.

I feel like maybe he isn't the one respecting me, I'm not a child.

Nicholas starts a fire within minutes. I sit down on a barren log in front of the fire he comes over and sits next to me. We don’t talk, I just stare into the fire its hypnotic. The sharp flames have my full attention. The flames twist, flicker, roar and turn in all directions as the wind passes.

“I see you fell asleep during reading,” He says trying to make conversation or in reality just stating the god damn obvious.

“Yeah I did, sorry about that but I had the most interesting dream well I think it was a dream it felt so realistic, Lord Khalunga and I were standing on a hill on the edge of earth and we talked and he helped me understand,” I tell him not making eye contact.

“I understand, he is an exceptional wise man he is known for helping people he has helped me throughout my life I owe my life to him I’m glad you got the chance to meet him,”

 From the corner of my eye I see he has a distant look on his face and a little ball of sorrow in his deep orbs. I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him as it’s the right thing to do...I think. Before either of us even begin to speak again we notice that there is a deer and a stag in the distance heading towards the fire they haven’t spotted either of us yet. Perfect timing.

Nicholas and I exchange glances, we both know what we have to do we both stand up and go in different directions making sure that we are  not being seen by our pray. He goes for his; I go for mine with great speed I chase the deer in a circle, catching up with her I finally have her blocked I jump at her and softly bite into her neck she stops fighting but she isn’t dead I pick her up and tale her back to the fire with no struggle.

There waiting is Nicholas with his pray he looks at me and smiles his face is covered in blood as is mine. Why does he look so attractive? His eyes are narrow and his face rough and ready.  He teaches me many techniques of biting, I test them on my pray; there are draining bites, fatal bites, soft bites and death bites. My pray isn’t completely dead.

“Finish her off you could do with more energy,” Nicholas says as if he knew exactly how I’m feeling and what’s going on inside of my body.

 I bite into her soft velvet like skin; her blood is lovely warm and rich. I can tell she has lived a happy healthy life. I enjoy the taste of her blood. If animal blood tastes this magnificent then I wonder how human blood must taste. I wash the profound thoughts out of my head and carry on drinking on concentrating on her.

When she is finally drained I stop, feeling so full yet so strong. I should feel guilty about this but I don't. I stand up my face is covered in blood as is Nicholas’s. He looks at me and smiles. Before guilt washes over me I place the dead deer softly onto the ground I surround her with flowers and greenery. I killed her so it’s the least I can to for her right?

“You're learning my child all though there is no need to do that but I’m proud of you and I can see that you are very kind-hearted... I also see that your speed is faster than I thought it would be, you learn fast you did good tonight but your skills need some more work but not bad for your first night want to race back to your house to improve move of your speed skills?” He purrs, so blood changes his mood, I see.

“Thanks and sure don’t see why not,” I chirp.

I feel happy and proud of myself, we look at each other.

“Ready set go,” He says.

 And we both speed through the forest we are as quick as lighting. Everything turns into one big blur and within seconds of starting the race we are halve way back to my house. He reaches there first I reach their seconds after him.

“Not bad not bad for a beginner but I still beat you,” He teases and winks at me.

“Wow your pretty fast for an old guy,” I reply returning a wink.

He looks at me and we both laugh as we walk into the house.

“We should probably get cleaned up because if people see us like it won’t look good,” He murmurs.

“Yeah good idea,” I reply smiling at him.

 Even with blood on his face he still looks so damn hot how that even possible? We enter house. He goes his way and I go mine; to the bathroom. I turn the shower on to let it heat up. Getting undressed I shut the door being me and step into the boiling hot shower. The water pours onto my face and slowly washes away the blood.

I hear a cough come from the doorway. I turn my head but keep my back towards the door. Nicholas is standing in the doorway. He grins at me. How did he open the door without me hearing? His eyes linger on my bed; he chews on his lower lip.

"Can I join you?"

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