I am...

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It was the first day of school at Kamii University. Some of the freshmen are running late due to an accident at the 20th ward . Among them is a dark haired girl with a blood red hoodie covering her facial features. She shoved her hand inside her black backpack that has a single white strip on the side and pulled out a map and a piece of paper.

'Kamii university...department of literature....class 1-A'

The girl walked aimlessly inside one of their buildings hoping to ask anyone where she should go.

"Such useful maps they have.." she muttered quietly and sigh since the map only shows the emergency exits and the location of the cafeteria. All she can do right now is wander around like a lost sheep.

Soon the bell rang and the students along the hallway rushed to their designated rooms. Panic consumed the dark haired girl who can't seem to find her class.

'...now i don't know where to go....arghhh!i'm such an idiot!!'

"See you later kaneki!"

As if on cue, an equally dark haired teen collided with the person walking like a zombie in the hallway. Guess who..................

"Ahh!what the--" the girl in a red hoodie who almost fell glared at the new comer.

"Oh i'm very sorry sir!" The dark haired teen quickly apologized and began to run when the girl suddenly yelled at him.

"Wait!do you know where is the literature department?"

"Umm..yes..that's where i'm heading..do y--" he replied while looking back.

"I'll go with you." She cut him off and started to run with her newly found guide to the next building.

"On what class are you sir?" The dark haired teen asked while slowing down his pace.

"Class 1-A." She replied. Seemingly not minding that the teen in front of her really thought that she is a guy.

"We have the same class then. Follow me."

"Hn." She said quietly.

'How i wish the teacher ain't gonna give us any punishment. Were already 5 mins. late on our 1st subject.'

The two stopped in front of a wooden sliding door. The dark haired boy gave it three firm knocks while his curious companion peeked through the windows. The door suddenly opened wide and a brunette haired woman poked her head outside with a surprised look.

"Oh. Kaneki? Is she the transferee?" The proffesor pointed at the girl with the red hoodie.

"Yes. I think so. Wait sensei...........she?!" Asked the dark haired boy wearing a confused look on his face.

"Yes. Why?....come in already you two."

They entered the classroom and kaneki immediately sat on a vacant chair almost at the farthest part of the room. His companion earlier decided to do the same when the proffesor gently pat her on the shoulder and asked her to introduce herself first.

"We have another new student this year minna. Please introduce yourself Mashiro-san."

"I am.....Sayu. Mashiro Sayu. I hope we get along." The dark haired girl stated and gave a small genuine smile.

"You may now choose where to sit Sayu-chan. By the way, you can call me Ms. Ayame." Their proffesor said which earned her a polite nod from the dark haired transferee.

Sayu sat down next to the guy she met earlier and pulled out a textbook before hanging her bag on the side of her desk.

'Better keep a low profile...'

Soon the bell rang which means the class is over. The dark haired girl searched her bag for her schedule but failed miserably.

"Great." 'Damn...I think i left it at my apartment...what a lucky day i have...i don't know which book i should leave on my locker later.'

Sayu continued digging out her textbooks...hoping to find her schedule in any pocket her bag has.

"Umm...do you need some help Mashiro-san?"

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