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"Can we go out?" I ask. I just feel so bored.I just wanna go out. I don't remember the last time I was to a club. "I don't know..." . "Come on,Ade.Pleaseee" . Ade is my best friend since I can remember ,she the type who likes to stay in and watch movies and read and study the most of the time. I am too...maybe. But I studied so much in the last weeks that I really need to have some fun. Me and Ade go to the same high-school ,she's the best in the class ,I really admire her dedication to school .I study too, I have good grads too, but she always likes to be one step before others. "Fine." she finnaly asks. "Ok then .I'll call Cara and see if she wants to go with us. You go and get dressed." I reach for my phone and call Cara . She responds on the second ring. "Hey. What's going on?" Cara is my friend , I met her through our common friends. We like the same things and she's really cool. She's maybe just a little crazy... "I was wondering if you wanna go out. Maybe go to Gittany?" "Sure. I'll be to oyur appartment in 45 minutes." After talking one more minute I hang up and start to get ready. I choose some black leather shorts with a black blouse and black heels. I leave my blonde hair lay on my back and I put some makeup . "Are you ready ?" I ask her. While I'm waiting for Ade I check my phone ,I have 2 messages from my mom. I still don't remember when my mom learned to send a message but anyway I'll call her tommorow. Ade is walking towards me . She's wearing a short black dress with black heels. Her hair is straight and she put on some makeup. She looks amazing. "Ready." She says. "It's almost 8.30 ,Cara should be here in any moment. Let's go". I take my phone and put it into my clutch. "Wait ,I can't find mine." "Your what?" I ask. "My phone. Gosh ,where did I put it?" Of course ,she always loses something. While I'm teasing her about how silly she is I get a text from Cara leting us know she'll be here in 5 minutes. "Found it." Finally. Cara is driving her black Range Rover, she wears black jeans and a black and white t-shirt. "You look amazing" Cara says. "Thank you. You too. " Ade responds. "So we are going to Gittany?Or do you wanna go somewhere else?" I ask while Cara is driving through the city. "Gittany of course. "She says laughing. "Maybe we will find someone we know there. " She ads. "I'm sure all your friends are there. " I say . Of course they are . Everyone is out ,is friday. God I love friday. "I think that car follows us." "What? Which one?"I say. "The black SUV" Ade responds. "I think they are papparazzi" "Why would they follow you?" "They think I'm dating a guy ,a friend of mine,which is a singer and now they are following me to see if they can catch us. God." Cara says. When we arrive to the club there are over 10 papparazzi. This is insane. We finally managed to enter the club. We go the VIP section . After we order something to drink we go and dance. A cute guy looks at me but I ignore him, he looks like the type who wants to fuck me in the club toilet. Ade goes and sits on the couch ,I dance 2 more song and I follow her. "I really missed this." Ade says to me . "Me too. We should get out more often. Where is Cara?" I didn't even noticed that she was missing. "I need to go to the toilet. I'll see if she's there." I don't like that I'm sitting alone on the couch,I take one more drink...and one more... God we are these girls. I'm a little dizzy.. I think I had too many drink but I'm bored as hell here alone and I don't even like the music anymore.I decide to go out and take some air. I choose the back door. "Just shut the fuck up. You can't" I hear someone screaming. Not just someone that Ade? Oh God ,I can't even think clearly. "I won't tell her. For now." Is that Cara ? I get closer and even if I'm intoxicated I can still see clearly. "Hey, what are you doing here? Are you drunk? " Yeah ,sure Ade now turn everything on me. "What are you doing here? What were you talking or better screaming about?" I ask .I can see the confusion on their face. "So ?" "Nothing . Ade wasn't feeling right and she decided to take some air.Let's go inside." I'm not sure if I believe them, but now I'm too dizzy so I follow them inside. "Maybe we should go" Cara says. I was expecting Ade to say these magic words ,not Cara. "I don't wanna go. I'm having fun." "You are drunk. We need to go." What's wrong with Cara? Knowing her now she'll be dancing with me on the table ordering more drinks. "Fine." I can't fight back right now ,I'm too drunk.A few guys escorts us to the car ,I assume the papparazzi are still there. At least I'm the one drunk and not Cara. When I search for my phone while we are driving I see that is past 3 am. What the heck? We were at the club at 9. The last time I say Cara and Ade was a little after midnight .Where were they? "We arrived." Cara says interupting my thoughts. As soon as I get in the appartement I go into my room and before I know I fall asleep.

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