Chapter 1

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Meeting you was fate

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Meeting you was fate. Becoming your friend was a choice but falling in love with you. I had no control over it.


Misaki sighed, sitting next to his friends, Shinobu and Nowaki.

"What's wrong, Misaki?" Nowaki furrowed his brow, thinking if his friend might be in trouble.

The brown eyed second year highschool, again, sighed. "I don't know. Nii-chan has been acting weird and I kinda felt like it's my fault."

"Takahiro-san? How could he hate you? Your like a big responsibility for him," Shinobu whispered, "Even though, you've been working too much."

"We should also talk about that work." Nowaki glared at Misaki. Misaki have been working too much. Everyday he would have a shift that starts three in the afternoon and will end at ten in the evening or later.

"Yeah, about that, sorry." Misaki scratch at the back of his nape.

Shinobu scoffed, "As if that would help."

Suddenly, Aikawa jumped in front of them, grinning. "Konnichi wa!"

"Yeah, hey." Shinobu eyed her, thinking if Aikawa was planning something.

"So---do you guys want to seat with us?" Aikawa smiled.

The crowd suddenly became silent, eavesdropping to their conversation.

"Misaki-kun? Do you want to seat with us?" A purple haired girl asked.

A red and blue haired girls suddenly appeared too asking the same question to Shinobu and Nowaki. "Shinobu-kun? Nowaki-kun? There's two another spared seat, wanna seat with us?"

Girls suddenly bombarded them questions which all consists of the three asking them to seat with them.

"Sorry but always, no," Shinobu smirked, "But if you girls badly want us to seat with you, bring us a zillion-dollar lobster fritata and a golden opulence sundae. If you don't know where they are, they can be found at New York, U.S.A.."

After Shinobu smirked, girls including Aikawa lowered their heads in sadness, returning back to their seats.

"Why do you have to do that? That food costs billions," Nowaki whispered, "Though, it tastes really good."

"Of course, it has to taste good if it didn't, I'll sue them in a blink of an eye."

Misaki rolled his eyes. "This is Shinobu, alright."

"Misaki," Takahiro smiled, tapping at the back of his little brother.

Misaki faced the voice, humming in response.

"Do you three want to seat with us? It seems that Aikawa failed asking you guys, so I just ask you guys myself."

Nowaki glared at Shinobu before facing the twelve year highschool student. "Of course, we wouldn't hesistate at all. Also sorry. Shinobu, here, wasn't thinking about what he said."

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