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Briana looked up at him, tears beginning to form in her eyes, unable to believe what Colin was saying to her.

"Look, Bree, I just can't be tied down right now." He explained, not quite meeting her eyes. "I'm going off to college and you're still in high school. Going out together was cool while we were in school together, but we are going on different paths now."

"Is this because I wouldn't have sex with you?" Her eyes burned and the tears were flowing freely.

"Of course not... I just don't think a long distance relationship will work. A clean break now would be best, you know?" He replied, looking at something just over her head.

"Colin... the least you could do is look at me when you're being a total douche." Briana said tightly.

Colin looked down at her, his face softening momentarily, before closing back up.

"Don't make this harder than it needs to be, Bree."

"Are you being serious right now?" Briana asked incredulously. "We've been dating for over a year. You said that you loved me. Now, all of a sudden, you want to break up? This is coming out of nowhere, Colin."

He let out a long sigh, as if she was the one being unreasonable.

"Bree, I'm about to be thousands of miles away. Don't you want to be free to enjoy your senior year? I won't be able to come back and go to dances and stuff with you, ya know."

The sound of his familiar drawl made her heart ache.

"We always knew you would be leaving. I don't know why you're acting like this is a new development. We always talked about having a long distance relationship, what's changed?" She was grasping at straws, but couldn't help it. No way would she just give up without a fight.

She would at least make him be honest about why he wanted to break up.

"Fine, Bree, you're right. I want to be free to see other people while I'm at college." He sounded exasperated, and her hope began to die as he continued to speak. "I'm going to be playing football and looking at joining a fraternity. I don't want to end up cheating or doing something stupid. It just makes more sense to end it now. It'll be better in the long run, you'll see." He put his hand out as if to pat her shoulder, but she backed away.

"You don't get to touch me anymore, Colin." Briana stated, wiping her face with the back of her hand.

"Bree, don't be upset. I'll always love you; this is just the way it has to be."

Briana sniffed and tried to wipe all of the tears off of her face. She stood up as tall as her five foot four frame would allow and looked Colin in the eyes, "You'll regret this Colin. One day you'll come back looking for a second chance, but it's not going to happen. I'm not going to forget this day."

He looked at her one last time, memorizing her delicate features and deep brown eyes. Her hair was down and flowed around her shoulders, just the way he liked it. He felt a twinge of regret, but was sure that breaking it off now was the only way to make sure they didn't end up hurting each other even more in the long run.

"Goodbye, Bree. I hope you have a great year and that you get into A & M like you've always wanted." Colin said, as he walked away and left her behind.

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