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Hi, my name is Serendipity Noore and welcome to my blog. I am 16 years old and I'm currently attending Old MiddleEast High School. Yeah, I know it's a weird name for a blog but it's the truth. I know you guessed it already, I have arthritis. No, not that kind of arthritis that people get when they get older, I don't have arthritis in my hands. It's worse than that

It all started when I was just 5 years old. I had a horrible, excruciating pain in my chest. I remember it like it was yesterday...I called for my mom and she came rushing in my pink covered room. "What's wrong honey?!" My mom asked cautiously. " hurts mommy" "WHAT, WHAT HURT SWEETY?!" my mom said curiously. "My chest it burns, it feels like my chest on fire!!!" I replied in excruciating pain. I have severe asthma so this is what my mom replied back to me with, "It's probably just your asthma take a nebulizer treatment. And don't scare me like that again, I thought you were dying!" I could see tears starting to build up under my moms eyes but she had a serious, angry look on her face. My dad left us when I was just 4 months old, so he was not there to do something about my chest pain, and since my mom thought it was "just asthma" I had to take matters into my own hands. I dialed 911 and the ambulance came in 10 minutes. The last thing I remembered was my cursing mom being held back by an officer while I got put in the ambulance on a stretcher.

I have one wish and that wish is to be popular.

What's up everyone I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and stay tuned for the next one! Sorry this was a short chapter.  Bye! And thank you for reading! 324 words

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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