"Depends. It's not my business really, I'm just here to stop you crying - I'm just concluding that letting you talk it out might make you calm down. Who knows," she said. "I'm not a specialise in these kind of situations," she sat down on a chair in front of the God. "So, what seems to be the problem, Rain God?"

She started tearing up, but held back the urge to start crying again. "Well, my name is Sora, so anyway...," she started to cry.

Kyoko was panicking in the inside but held it in, and said "Just spit it out, it won't hurt that bad if you do."

"My boyfriend broke up with me!" she cried out, balling her eyes out




"Boyfriend?" What the hell is that? Kyoko asks herself mentally, slightly confuse. "I don't mean to sound rude, but what's a... Boyfriend?"

The Rain God looked at Kyoko as if she was insane, before laughing slightly. "For a yokai, you're pretty stupid. You're even a girl, and you don't know what's a boyfriend is?"

"Tch," Kyoko responded, having an emotionless, yet annoyed look on her face. "I spent most of my years in isolation, killing people. I never really get to learn much. Nor did Takehiko teach me any of those things. It seems he neglected to tell me about this 'Boyfriend' thing."

Sora just laughed, "Sorry. Well, a boyfriend is like having a male companion that you uh like more than a friend. It's like a relationship you have with someone that you love..."

"Love? I see... So, he broke that 'love' relationship with you?" Kyoko said, trying to understand the situation.

"..Yeah...," Sora said reluctantly, looking sad.

Kyoko said calmly "How long have you been in a relationship with this boyfriend of yours?"

"A week..."

I'm starting to feel pity for this girl.... So, she's been in a relationship with this person she loves for a week and they already broke it off? "Ah, well... How many uh, boyfriends have you had?"

".... Lots of them... They always broke up with me in the end, the best I got a relationship to last was for a month," and she started balling again.

I'm starting to see why... However... "You shouldn't cry over something like that," Sora looked at her. "Well, if they really did love you, they would stay with you much longer, wouldn't they? I'm no expert in love... And I have no idea what it is... But, from what I can tell, Love is a feeling of affection and caring, right?" Kyoko said. Where am I going with this? "So, if they really did care about you, they wouldn't have left you, right? They would... How would I put this? Be fine with your personality, they would I suppose like being around you. They wouldn't want to change anything about you... I'm just trying to get across that maybe you shouldn't fall so easily for someone. These things you call love aren't love. They're more of attraction to them. And I don't know, maybe don't be so weak about a small relationship break up."

Sora looked at Kyoko for a few seconds, before engulfing her into a hug. "So, you really think that they aren't worth it?"

"Who knows. Boys will be boys. You like who you like. You are who you are, if they can't appreciate that," Kyoko thinks about it. "They don't deserve to be with you."

Sora's eyes lit up and she huffed the poor yokai. "Thank you so much! I feel so much better now! I promise I'll take up on your advice! For someone who hasn't experienced love before, you're pretty wise."

Considering how old I am... It's not absolute surprise. Kyoko shrugged, and said "Now that is settled. It's best that I be off."

"Eh, really? I just thought of something amazing," Kyoko raised an eyebrow at the Rain God. "I could find a boyfriend for you! I mean, you said you never had a boyfriend, right? It would be a perfect opportunity since—"

"No," Kyoko said, cutting her off.


Kyoko shook her head, and looked at her hands. "Being in a relationship is not what I need... Besides, my hands are stained with too much blood to be covered up by something like that," and she left the room, leaving Sora alone.

The last thing she heard from Sora was, "If you say so! But if there's ever a time you want to get a boyfriend, call me!"

A small smile played on Kyoko's lips, she's an interesting god. Weird, but interesting.

It had stopped raining outside and the God's once more returned to partying. Kyoko was once more, outside staring at the clouds and naming animals in the sky. "Great work out there, Kyoko. You have quite the way with words, don't you?" She glanced over to see her Master.

She just glanced back at the sky again, not saying anything. Takehiko sighs at his silent familiar, "Is something on your mind?"

"Hey Takehiko."


Kyoko stared at the sky, before shaking her head. "Forget it."

Love, huh? What a ridiculous feeling to have.

The summit was over and the God's returned to their respective shrines. 

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