"What kind of things?"

He shrugged, "you know, like you bite your lip when you think or something."

"Oh, please continue." I looked up at him in amusement.

He sighed, grabbing my hand. He pulled at my hand a little as a signal to follow him. He led me over to a log and pulled me down to sit next to him.

I felt strange from holding his hand. It felt all weird on the inside. It was that feeling I hadn't felt in a long time, the one that came with being around Sirius.

I looked down, noticing our fingers were still locked together. Sirius looked down as well. He jerked his hand from mine, rubbing his neck and looking the opposite direction of me. I giggled slightly, watching him.

He frowned in concentration, thinking over what to say. "When you do school work, you lean over the table and your hair falls in your eyes. You flip it over your shoulder, and sometimes if your bangs fall forward, you flick your head a little and they move back into place." A small smile played at his lips, "when you read something that doesn't make sense, you narrow your eyes at it, questioning it mentally. If someone says something you don't like, you crinkle your nose up."

I looked at him curiously.

He pointed at me slightly, "when you look at someone or something questioningly you always tilt your head to the side, it makes you look like a curious little puppy."

I giggled softly, smiling at him.

"You giggle at things, rarely laughing. I'm not sure why, but you never fully laugh, it's always chuckles or giggles." He inquired, raising an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes at him. About to speak, but he continued.

"You roll your eyes constantly, I doubt you've gone through an entire day without rolling them."

"How do you know so much?" I asked him curiously.

"Like I said, I could watch you for hours and not be bored." He rubbed his neck again.

"Well, you want to know what I've noticed about you?" I asked.

He looked up from the ground quickly, his eyebrows shooting towards his hair line.

"I've noticed that you sit all stretched out when you're not worried. You relax and just slouch, you know? Like you just go with the flow. But when you're nervous, or worried, or anything like that, you sit up as straight as possible, all rigid." I paused, thinking of something else. "You always have your hair in a perfectly messy hairstyle. If a piece falls forward or out of place you run your hand through your hair, ruffling the hair a little bit and putting it all back into place."

He rubbed at his neck again.

"And you always run the back of your neck. Sometimes it's because you're nervous and sometimes you just do it." I pointed out.

He chuckled, "alright, so you know my habits as well. Seems like we're even. Ready to head back in?"

I nodded, standing next to him. We started the slow trek back up to the castle. Halfway there, we were met with Severus and Regulus, they were walking down the hill with James and Remus.

I looked at them in confusion and curiosity. I noticed Sirius smiling down at me, which I found out was because I had subconsciously tilted my head to the side, just as he had said.

"There you two are." James called out.

"We were beginning to worry." Severus spoke to me, smiling.

Regulus smirked, "I've got you you're regular clothes, if you'd like to change," he chuckled, pulling one of my regular school outfits from his bag.

I rolled my eyes at him, grabbing the clothing from his hands. "Loser. I'm so getting you back for that later."

He laughed, grinning down at me, "we'll see about that."

"Oh we will." I pushed his arm, smirking. "That's a promise. And I never break a promise."

The boys were still being civil towards each other. They had learned that, for me, they could be nice or not speak. Generally they didn't speak to each other, just sat in the presence of one another, but never spoke. Though on occasion, they would speak. It got awkward at first, but they would calm down and have a normal conversation eventually. Usually having to do with me, they didn't really have much of anything else in common with one another.


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