Slowly she turned around to head towards the exit. It's getting late and it's time to head home. She already wanted to go home an hour ago but her body guard requested if they can stay just a few more minutes. She found it a little odd but she agreed anyway. As she looked up she suddenly froze as she felt her heart stop. Standing just a few feet away from her is RJ. He was looking at her with a small smile on his face. Maine blinked several times to be sure, just in case she's seeing things. Has she been missing him so much that she's already starting to imagine things?

Maine stood unmoving as she stared at Richard. She was still trying to figure out if he's real or not. He gazed back at her but did not move as well. With a pounding heart, she started making tentative steps towards him. She did not take her eyes off him just in case he disappeared into thin air.

"RJ?" she whispered uncertainly when she was finally near enough.

Richard smirked at her. He wanted to reach out and pull her into his arms but he controlled himself. There will be a lot of time for that later. "Missed me?" He couldn't help but tease her. He watched in amusement as Maine's expression changed from uncertainty to understanding and then shock.

"Oh my gosh, honey, it really is you!" she exclaimed. She still couldn't believe that he's actually here. "What are you doing here?!"

"Why? Don't you want me here?" Richard asked. He couldn't hide the hurt on his face.

Maine was alarmed that she might have hurt his feelings. "No, it's not that" she corrected. "It's just that I wasn't expecting you here. Wouldn't mom get mad that you left the company?" She asked curiously.

"I did tell her that I was leaving" he informed her. "It was actually a little surprising that she didn't scold me at all. In fact, she was very excited about it and couldn't wait for me to leave."

Maine blushed as soon as she heard RJ's comment. Of course his mom would let him leave. This was part of her plan after all. She's pretty sure that Madame Faulkerson is now smiling with glee that her plans are working out well. She has got to hand it to RJ's mom. She really does know her son very well.

"So, how long would you be staying here?" She asked curiously.

"As long as you want" he answered with a smile. "Mom said that I can have the rest of the month off. She would take over the company while I'm away"

"She said that?" Maine asked embarrassingly. Couldn't his mom be more obvious? Fortunately, he did not seem to have noticed anything out of the ordinary.

"Thats great!" Maine said as soon as she has fully understood his words. His mother's plan worked like a charm. RJ followed her to New York on his own will. However, he hasn't said anything about loving her yet. Maine's face fell.

Richard examined Maine's face and noticed that she was already turning a little blue.

"You're freezing!" he exclaimed as he reached out and took her hands. They were as cold as ice. "How long have you been up here?" He asked in concern. He engulfed her delicate hands with his as he tried to put some heat back into it.

"I'm not really sure, three hours maybe?" Maine answered. She was looking at their intertwined hands and she was trying so hard to remain calm and composed. Oh, the things this guy can do to her senses.

"Why did you stay that long?" He scolded her. "You can have hypothermia."

"Honey, I'm perfectly bundled up" she assured him with a smile.

"So, have you found him yet?" Richard asked suddenly.

Maine stared at him in surprise. What does he mean?

"I don't understand what you're saying. What do you mean?" She asked in a baffled manner.

"Remember that time when we watched Sleepless in Seattle and you said that you might find someone on top of the Empire State Building just like what happened to the heroine?" He reminded her.

Maine smothered a laugh. Her husband can be so silly sometimes. She couldn't believe he even remembered that. It's been months since that happened.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I have" she responded teasingly.

Apparently RJ did not perceive it as a joke and he felt as if a bucket of cold ice was thrown at him.

"You did?" He asked in distress. Was he too late? "Who is it?" He asked softly. He really didn't want to know but he couldn't resist asking.

Maine reached out and gently tapped the tip of  RJ's nose. "You" She whispered with a smile. "You're the one who found me, remember?" She continued in a teasing manner.

Richard felt a wave of relief wash over him. For a moment there he thought she has really met someone before he got to her. He was about to relax when he suddenly remembered the guy Maine was talking about on the phone. He tossed the memory out as soon as he remembered it. He is Maine's husband he told himself and he's going to win her back at all cost.

Richard reached for Maine's hand again.

"You're hands are still cold" he remarked. He brought them close to his mouth and blew into them. He saw her shiver. Not being able to stop himself, he brought her hands to his lips and kissed her palms softly. He then proceeded to kiss the tips of each of her fingers.

"RJ" Maine whispered in a hoarse voice.

Richard smiled and released her hands. He then shrugged off his coat and placed it around her shoulders.

"Let's go before you catch a cold" he said as he held out his arm to her. Maine smiled shyly at him as she reached out and wound her arms around his and they proceeded towards the elevator together.

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