Chapter One

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It was the 10th Century, in a place described as a safe land. The only thing it was safe from was illness and starvation. This land had its own problems and its own solutions though. In the village there were men who shifted into wolves at the command of the full moon. Everyone was aware of this, but it was just a small price of a large fee.

"Niklaus!" A girl by the name of Sylivian Forbes squeals as her fiancé spins her around on his shoulder, "Put me down!" She complains, "I am dizzy."

Her companion chuckles and gently sets her down on her feet, steadying the wobbly girl. Sylivian laughs along with him, resting her head on his chest, listening to every breath he inhaled.

"My apologizes milady." The man by the name of Niklaus halfheartedly said, kissing her head softly. Sylivian sighs as he wraps his arms around her petite body, and remembers the day that he had won her hand.

Niklaus had had his arms wrapped around her and she had wiggled out of his grasp and ran off, instinctively he had ran after her, "Catch me if you can Niklaus!" She giggled and continued running.

She remembered weaving through other villagers, while Niklaus had to circle around them, having trouble keeping up with the obstacles. When the two were only separated by a wide clear space Niklaus called out to her, "And what do I get if I catch you?"

She had thought for a moment as they both stood there, only a few strides apart, not sure what she had to give, "Hmm, I haven't a clue, what would you want?"

Niklaus smirked, "I guess you'll have to find out when I catch you my dear Sylvia."

He had started to run again, reaching out to take hold of her again, only to be a few inches short. They both continue to run, swerving through obstacles and ignoring the glares they received. Not that they cared what the others thought of their relationship, not even their parents could part them; they were in love.

With a sudden burst of speed, Niklaus sprinted up to her and took her by the waist, spinning her around, causing her to squeal in delight, "Nik!"

He kissed her cheek softly as he set her down, and whispered in her ear, "Be mine... Forever?"

She looked back to him in shock, her first thoughts were her father, what he would think. And what of Sir Kaleb, the man her mother kept pestering her about, along with her many other suitors. Or about Niklaus's brothers, she knew that Elijah and Kol both fancied her greatly. But she realized, she didn't care what they thought, she loved him and she was happy with him, nothing was going to take that way.

"Yes," She smiled at him, "I will marry you."

He smiled wider than ever, kissing her gently on the lips, thinking how he could never be happier. Content with holding her in his arms and never letting go. Knowing that he could never hurt her.

"I love you Nik." She says softly, causing her companion to smile openly.

"And I love you my dear Sylvia, always." He whispered to her, meaning every word of it.

Little did either of them know that dark things were about to come. Very dark, bad things that were going to altered their lives for more than a millennium to come.

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