My Best Mate (A Lilo Oneshot)

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So this is my new Lilo story, I hope you like it! Please give me some feedback, good or bad, i don't care, just try to be constructive, i'm trying to improve my writing skills.

"Dr. Payne. Paging Dr. Payne." A static muffled voice suddenly came from the top of my bedside table. I smiled, unable to stop it and set the book I had been reading down so I could pick up my little army toy walkie-talkie as well as my phone, opening the music app. I clicked the little button on the side of the walkie-talkie to allow myself to speak.

"Please hold while I page you through." I said in my best female voice, then pressed play on my iPhone and held it up to the walkie-talkie. The music played for a few seconds before the voice was back.

"Liam, you do know I can see you, right?" The voice said. I pushed paused on my phone and looked over at my window instinctively with an innocent grin on my face. I clicked the button again and held the walkie-talkie to my mouth.

"Oops." I said as I saw my best friend standing in the window of his bedroom in his house that was next to mine. Louis had his arms crossed on his chest, his blue sweater tight on his body and his brown hair styled messily as usual. I saw him bring the walkie-talkie up to his mouth and soon his voice was coming over the speaker.

"Mhmm... So, I need to tell you something." He said suddenly.

"And what is that?" I asked getting up off my bed so my back was to Louis now.

"I have a date." He said calmly though I could tell he was excited. I was glad he couldn't see my face because it was probably frowning right now.

"Oh? Is this another guy you met on that website?" I prayed that it was because those guys always turned out to be losers.

"Nope." He replied. I frowned even more but composed myself and forced myself to turn around. He was grinning from ear to ear, it actually made me feel sick.

"Then who?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

"Harry!" He said excitedly. I really think I'm gonna be sick. Harry? Harry Styles?! Why?! Oh, god I needed to sit down. I found my bed again, forcing a smile because I should be happy for my friend. This news should make me just as happy as he was, not sick to my stomach.

"Wow, Harry as in school Harry?" I asked for something to say. Louis jumped up and down in his room and nodded vigorously.

"Yeah! He came into work today and we caught up and he asked me out!" He shrieked, sounding like a school girl. Harry was a kid from the school we used to go to, he was in the same year as Louis, who was two ahead of me and was one of the most popular guys at school, so of course Louis had the biggest crush on him.

"Wow, that's great Lou." I replied, trying my best to look happy but apparently I'm a terrible actor.

"Why are you upset? Why aren't you happy for me?" He asked, his mood obviously darkening.

"I am," I tried to lie.

"Liam Payne, do not lie to me. I've known you since before you could speak, you can't lie to me." He said and I sighed.

"I just-" I let go of the trigger and let my hand fall, running the other hand over my face, I need a lie, and a good one that he'll believe.

"Li, what is it?" He asked, concerned now.

"He just seemed like a real tool in school. That's all..." I came up with, looking anywhere but at Louis.

"What? No he didn't, he's the sweetest guy ever! You're crazy." I sighed in relief, glad that he bought my fib. Yes, I felt bad for lying to my best friend but it was better than him knowing the truth.

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