First Day

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       The next morning everyone met up at the Café just before their classes began. From what their schedule says their classes don't start until 9 am. Everyone was gathered around a round oval shaped table, wearing their school uniform that was given to them which consisted of a black vest, a white dress shirt, red tie, a pair of black fitted pants for each other sizes, a black jacket. It was custom designed with white lining throughout the entire uniform. Namjoon looked over at the clock and looked at the time and it was 8:45am. So they didn't have much time left because they had to head to the Academy.

  Jimin was tapping his finger against his cup and was bouncing his leg at a rapid pace. "Guys I'm Kind of nervous about this..." Jimin says.

"Yeah I am too but I think we should start heading over there now because If we wait another minute I don't think we will make it in time." Jin stands up and picks up his bag and throws it over his shoulder.

  The others follow Jin as they get up from the table and head out the front door of the café. While walking towards the they all look around and its a lot of interesting things to do in Ishgar that the Youngers are unfamiliar with. Jin looks around and pretty much all of the Restaurants caught his attention and was in complete awe at how packed they were with people. Jungkook notices the Arcade building, Jimin notices pretty much the same thing Jungkook and Jin did but what really catches his eye is when he looked at the top of one of the Building and saw a figure with a black cloak on. Jimin uses his enhanced vision to get a closer look at him and saw that he had the school uniform on but it was in white. Jimin turns to warn the others but when he looks back the dark figure was gone, Jimin instead didn't decide to tell them anymore because maybe he was a student at the academy. 

 "hey guys were almost this place is amazing." Jungkook eyes seemed as if they were about to pop right out of his head, from excitement.

      As They were approaching the academy they were greeted by the representative of the Devil council who was also the their designated guide for a while. Mark began to show them around for their first stop Mark wanted to show them the classrooms, Gym, Arena, Dinning Hall, Library, and the Training room. While mark was showing them around the near by students were staring at them most were girls and a few guys they were in a daze by how good looking they were. Mark shook his head with a smile on his face.

 "Just ignore them come on." Mark says.

    They nodded in response. As the tour was coming to its end today was the day where they would be judged in the arena too see their rank in the school. This happens every new school year so they can keep track and see if there is any improvement with the students. This is to see who will be the top students throughout the academy.

  "Okay so we are going to head back to the arena. If you will follow me this way." Mark says as he is leading the way back to the Arena.

"Why are we going back?" Jimin says.

"well you see every year around this time we do a little test to see where your power strength is and it will determine your rank and if your eligible to go onto the color white." Mark stops and opens the door to the arena and where the entire arena is filled with all the students attending the academy.

"Wait did you say White?" Jimin says.

Mark nods. "Yes..why"

"well you see earlier when me and the others left the café I noticed someone in a black cloak and they had the exact same Uniform as us but it was in White, I didn't say anything because Maybe it was a student here but now that I know for certain that its a possibility then..." Jimin runs a hand through his hair.

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