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Thecatsmeow: okay so daichi said that he has practice tonight,

Thecatsmeow: so i guess im just gonna go shit around.

Thecatsmeow: aw man i was really looking forward to trying out zumba.

USHIJIMA1: Fear not,

Thecatsmeow: *GASP* USHIJIMA-SAN!!1!!

USHIJIMA1: Zumba will always be there for you.

Thecatsmeow: spoken like a true captain.

Babekawa⭐️: kuroo?

Thecatsmeow: hey

Babekawa⭐️: im sorry for being a little bitch before.

Thecatsmeow: hey its fine, we all have our days.

USHIJIMA1: You were indeed, being "a little bitch."

Babekawa⭐️: STFU

Thecatsmeow: lmaoooooo way to break the moment ushijima

USHIJIMA1: I was just stating the truth.

Thecatsmeow: LMAOOO


Babekawa⭐️: IS IT BC IM SO PRETTY????!!!

Thecatsmeow: sure, oikawa.

Thecatsmeow: also how many are there of us?

Thecatsmeow: like 5???

Thecatsmeow: its been a while since theres been a captain added to the group

Babekawa⭐️: GOOD.

Babekawa⭐️: its hard enough dealing with just one of you!!

Thecatsmeow: i wonder if theres gonna be a new captain added in the next chapter?

Babekawa⭐️: what?

Thecatsmeow: nvm.

USHIJIMA1: Change of subject: but what are you all putting for your senior quote in the yearbook? I don't know what to put for mine.

Babekawa⭐️: "Hannah Montana said that nobody's perfect, but here I am."

Thecatsmeow: "I might have graduated highschool, but my diet will never make it past my freshman year of college."


USHIJIMA1: Both equally good quotes.

USHIJIMA1: That's okay. I'll just get Satori to pick one out for me.

Thecatsmeow: ur not worried abt ur legacy in highschool as ur quote?

USHIJIMA1: My legacy is in volleyball, not the yearbook. Besides, I'll be doing so good in university, they won't be worried about what I said in highschool.

Babekawa⭐️: huh.

Thecatsmeow: damn.

Babekawa⭐️: INTELLECTUALS,,,,,

Thecatsmeow: what now?

USHIJIMA1: I'm flattered that you think of me that way.

Babekawa⭐️: HUSH.

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