Chapter 4

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How can Lexa even be here? She was dead, at least, that's what we were told. I look over to Abby, who is now standing up again. She looks back at me, bearing the same confused expression I have on my face.

Clarke and Lexa are hugging, but they let go once I start walking towards them. I hug Clarke. "Welcome back to reality." She laughs, and Lexa gives me a faint smile as well. "Monin hou, Heda." (Welcome back, Commander.) I bring my arm forward, and she answers it by pressing hers against mine. So she is real, and not a ghost.

Abby, not believing her own eyes, runs to Clarke. "You did it."

"Well, without your transfusing, I would be dead as hell now." Clarke laughs, and pulls her mother in a hug.

Lexa steps towards me. "What have we missed? Have there been any events or updates we should be aware of?" Clarke seems to tense at those words. She lets go of Abby and is looking dead serious. "What? Is there something?" I ask Clarke. "There quite is, though I am not sure if it's true." Clarke sighs


Clarke explains the whole conversation she had with ALIE. I listen to her with utmost focus. Octavia leans on her sword, and Abby places her hand for her mouth. We're all shocked about what our future will be.

"We don't have to worry yet." Clarke says, keeping her voice down. "It might just be that she was stalling, but maybe we should contact Raven for sure." She looks to her mother, who nods approvingly.

"We should help the wounded, I will check the area outside the tower." I say. But Clarke shakes her head. "No, if you'll go out there the people will think that they are having hallucinations because they're seeing their dead Commander walking around and helping people. Sorry, but it'll have a bad effect on the people"

"I understand, but it is not safe for Skaikru to go out there either. Many of my people will blame Skaikru for the coming of the Sanchgeda (City of Light)." I point out. "I'll take care of it." Octavia says. "I'll go and look for Indra and tell her about the information, then she'll have her warriors take care of the people outside." I nod in approval, and she walks away, kicking one of the dead bodies. I almost want to yell at her to respect the dead, but I see that it is the moron from Skaikru. That Pike. Well, technically, he's not Skaikru anymore. They banished him, before he planned his murderous revenge.

I stand coldly until a warm hand grabs mine. I look up into those ocean-blue eyes, and smile. She squeezes my hand comfortingly, and I immediately relax.

Abby walks over to us, Kane following her. "We should all rest. Do you have any rooms to spare? For us, and for them." She looks at the many Skaikru, Trishanakru, Azgeda, Flokru, and all the other people from the clans, who had been in the Sancheda. "Yes, of course, the both of you may have a room on the sixtieth floor, the others can stay in the floors below you. Clarke and I will stay here in the upper rooms, to avoid immediate contact with my people and me."

She nods, and tells the guards what I told her. Then she moves out of the room, gesturing towards Kane. He walks to the door, but looks back at me and gives me a sincere smile.

"How long until we are all dead?" I ask Clarke.

"ALIE said six months, I don't know if we should believe her though, that's why we'll contact Raven in the morning. She should be able to figure it out."

A door opens, Indra and Octavia coming through. "Heda." Indra says. "My warrior will take care of the people outside."

"Mochof (thank you) Indra. The both of you should rest now. We'll have some things to deal with in the morning." 

Indra nods, and walks out of the room, Octavia following close behind.

"You should rest too, Clarke." I say.

"Would you lie with me then? Please?" She aks.

"Of course." I smile, and she smiles back at me. We walk out of the room, towards the sleeping quarters up ahead. It is silent, until Clarke starts to sing. I do not know it, but it seems to be an old Earth song. "--Everything. On our own." It is beautiful. "We don't need, anything, or anyone." She smiles at me, while we walk into our sleeping quarters.

"If I lay here. If I just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world?" She lies down on the bed, snuggling up in the furs. I smile. "I don't quite know, how to say, how I feel. " I grab her hand, and sit down on the bed beside her. She's still singing her song. "Those three words, are said too much, but not enough."

She pauses. "If I lay here. If I just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world?" I lie down next to her, crawling under those warm furs, while still listening to her song. "Forget what we're told, before we get too old. Show me a garden that's bursting into life." I am feeling more tired already, and her voice is beautiful. She's singing me to sleep. "Let's waste time, chasing cars, around our heads. I need your grace, to read my needs to find my own."

I yawn, and I know she is smiling at me. "If I lay here. If I just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world?" I grab her hand, and let my eyes droop. "Forget what we're told, before we get too old. Show me a garden that's bursting into life." She pauses, and kisses my forehead. "All that I am, all that I ever was. Is here in your perfect times, they're all I can see. I don't know where, confused ---" I can't hear the last parts of the song anymore, because I am in a calm slumber, with Clarke lying beside me, while we're forgetting the world.

A/N: Hulloooooo. So um the last part was just some fluff. And did you recognize the song? I honestly love Chasing Cars. It is so calming, and I had to mix it in here. I'll probably include more songs in this, because I love music. I also won't make it that angsty as Jason Rottenegg I MEAN UM Rothenberg. Just some fluff here, some fluff there, some sassy humor, confused Lexa etc. just to make it fun to read, and not to have people crying like I did in 307.
Thank you Clexanians for reading and I'll see ya!

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