Over A Drink

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'More?' Jessica smiled, lifting a bottle of iced vodka in anticipation. The redhead glanced up at the glowing woman standing before her with a tempting smirk. Her doe-eyes eventually made their way to the bottle as she thought on it a moment.

'I probably shouldn't,' she laughed, shaking her head. Jessica filled her own glass slowly.

'Come on, woman. Just a little one,' she teased, flashing her the sweetest smile.

'Okay, just a small one,' Susan replied, sternly, before hiding a beam that spread across her face. 'An actual small one, not a Jess small one,' she added, eliciting a throaty laugh from her blonde co-star. Jessica leaned across the table and the two sat in silence as the liquor trickled thickly into the glass, cracking the ice cubes. Susan couldn't help but notice the swell of the blonde's breasts peeking through the v-shaped neck of her deep ruby wrap-around dress. The redhead swallowed and ran a hand through her hair, actively trying to distract herself.

'Here,' Jessica said softly, handing Susan a clinking glass. She took it, unable to stop herself from gently gliding her fingers over the blonde's, despite the voice in her head. 'Are you alright?' Jessica canted her head, slowly folding her arms, only encouraging her plump breasts to define an even more appetising cleavage. 'You look a little... a little blushed.' She spoke softly, pawing at a perfectly chiselled cheekbone. Susan let out a gentle smirk before sipping on her cold alcohol, praying for something to extinguish the fire she could suddenly feel rising within her.

'It's just the drinks,' she lied, taking another sip.

'Are you sure?' Jess stood, concern twisting in her words. She brushed a blonde lock from her eyes and sauntered around the table, inching closer to an increasingly breathless Susan. Jess sat beside her, placing the back of her hand against the woman's forehead. Susan couldn't help but jolt, making the ice in her glass clatter as she did so. She glanced down at Jessica's legs; her dress stopping just before slightly parted knees. 'You're very warm,' Jess mused to herself. 'And you're almost vacant,' she continued, trying to catch the redhead's eyes. Susan inhaled deeply, shifting in her seat and peeling her gaze from the woman's irresistible legs.

'I'm fine, Jess,' she said involuntarily sternly before brushing a hand across her face and smiling. The scent of the blonde's perfume, her skin, smothered her. What was she doing? Jessica tightened her lips slightly, wrapping her arms around herself, nervously. She worried she'd upset Susan, but her fears were cast aside when the woman turned to face her, sipping once more on her drink. 'Actually,' she started, with a determined passion suddenly alight in her hazelnut eyes. 'I'm not fine.' She placed her tumbler down on the table with a clang and swiftly took hold of Jessica's fidgeting hands. 'Fuck it,' she whispered. Susan leaned in towards Jess, her huge eyes gently sweeping shut and a lips pursed. They crashed passionately against Jessica's still-open ones, shocking the blonde into a shivering gasp. Again, their lips touched, this time Jess's surprise lessened somewhat, her inhale more controlled, her shoulders more relaxed. The third time Susan pressed her lips to Jessica's, her hand trailed from the blonde's wrists to a blushing cheek, fingers caught in her wavy, champagne hair, pulling her mouth defiantly towards her own. Jessica's eyes closed, but her lips parted allowing a pulsing tongue to dance around inside her. She breathed it in, completely unaware of her natural responses that were taking hold. Susan melted as her tongue finally made contact with Jessica's wet, warm mouth, groaning lightly and shifting closer to her, ensuring her legs were touching the shapely thighs of the other woman. When Jessica's hand gripped Susan's face, both seemed to lose themselves in the heat and passion that swelled from inside them. Suddenly, through gentle mewls and groaning, frantic inhales, the two were entangled in one another, soaking up every second of the closeness, drinking each other's pleasure.

Series Of Sarange One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora