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We all looked at each other and admired our outfits. Then we are food made by Aaliyah's fantastic mother and left for school; Aaliyah, Mya, Hannah, and I piled into Aaliyah's shiny, porcelain white Audi converible R8 V10 Spyder (look it up) and Mia, Jackie, and Jaeda piled into Mia's light blue Audi convertible A4 (also look it up), and we headed for school. When we arrived there, we got out of cars and immediately received stares and whispers. Of course, people know who we are as we're some of the best athletes in the state, let alone the country. We walk to the office, get the schedules and head to class.

*skip first half of the day*

Aaliyah, Mia, Hannah, and I get a lunch table saved for the rest of us. We all sit down and start to eat when 2 girls come up to our table. "Hi! You must be the new girls! My name is Michelle and this is Jana." We all smiled and waved. "Can we sit here? Some hoes kicked us out of our own table," Jana said rolling her eyes. We laughed and nodded. They sat down and I got a better look at them. Jana was meduim height, white ivory skin, cool grey ish blue eyes, with dark brown hair. Michelle also had ivory skin tone, hazel green eyes, and dirty blonde curly hair. "So what are you guys into?" Aaliyah asked. "Volleyball and Softball," Michelle responded. "Basketball for me," Jana said " my brother and I are on varisty." We all nodded. "I like you already," Mia stated. We all laughed arena just talked around. Michelle convinced Aaliyah, Jaeda, Mia, and Jackie to tryout for volleyball, and Hannah and Mya to try out for the soccer team. Then all of us would be playing basketball together, except for Michelle, who may do cheer, and Mya and Jackie, who are doing dance team. In the spring, some of us will do softball and some do track, and Jackie is doing tennis. We all laughed and giggled all of lunch until a tall familiar dark boy walked up. "Hey Michelle. The hoes are gone if ya'll wanna come back." "We good. We got new peoples." He looked around at us. Michelle introduced us, "Guys this is my brother, Andre. Andre, this is Jackie, Mia, Hannah, Aaliyah-" "Aaliyah Jones....it's a pleasure to meet you." Aaliyah nodded and smiled. "Anyway, back to intros, after Aaliyah is Mya, then Jaeda, and lastly is Ary'hya." I looked at him and made eye contact. Then I remembered, this is the guy with the #5 jersey at the Adidas Gaunlet. After about 2 minutes of staring, he broke it and excused himself back to his table. The girls all noticed it too."Damn girl. What happened to your cute ass?" Hannah asked. "Nothin" I said. "Bitch it ain't nothin if you were starin at the poor boy for 2 years. I'm finna beat that ass if you don't tell me." Jackie exclaimed. "Ok so remember the guys that flirted with us at the Adidas Gaunlet tournament?" They nodded. "Well he was one of them." They all looked shocked and Jana and Michelle looked confused as hell. "I'm sorry....why does this have to do with my brother?" Michelle asked. "Your brother was bein a hoe and flirting with my best friend's cute ass!" Jaeda exclaimed. We laughed while Michelle and Jana rolled their eyes. "Wait till you meet our cousins and his friends," Michelle said sarcastically and pointed to a table of boys about 30 feet from ours. Everyone, except for Aaliyah, who was in her phone, looked over at the table. All of the boys sitting at the table were from the Adidas Gaunlet tournament. We all had open mouths. "What are their names?" Mya asked. "Ok," Jana started," So the super tall one is Daijon, the one with blonde tips in his short hair is Phaquan and he and Daijon are brothers, you already know Andre, the other tall dark one is Onkeya but call him O, then the one with the long blonde ugly ass haircut is LaMelo, one of Michelle's cousins, and next to him is Eli, who is my brother. The last one, with the brown MCM backpack, that's LiAngelo, Michelle's other cousin." I looked at all of them and recognized them. We turned back to the table, Aaliyah still not paying any attention to what is going on. "How do you know them?" Michelle asked. "We don't really," Mia said," We saw them at the Gauntlet and they flirted that's it. I doubt they even know our names." We all sighed. It was quiet until Aaliyah's dumb ass laugh started radiating through the cafeteria. We all glared at her. "Who put sticks up your asses?! This video's funny as hell," she defended. We a giggled as Hannah glanced at the boys table. "Don't look now but we got the big baller gaze coming from 6 o clock," she said. We all took sudden interest into each other, except for Aaliyah's dumb ass, who looks directly at the table to be met with the faces of the Big Baller boys, pointing her out to LiAngelo, who then made eye contact with her and smirked. Aaliyah froze and he started to walk over to us. "Shit. This is bad," Jackie said. "Why?" Jana asked. "Because she ignored his black ass!" They looked at her in confusion. "At the tournament, whenever he made a basket he'd smirk and wink at her, but she ignored him.....which I get because she was getting into the zone and plus she was still pissed off about moving, but still boys take that shit the wrong way," She finished. LiAngelo got closer and closer and Aaliyah lowered her face away from him even more to hide shame, embarrassment and even mkre, herself. "Hello ladies....Aaliyah," LiAngelo greeted.

I could not face this nigga. Yes...he's cute. Fuck that he's fucking gorgeous, but I ignored him when he made a move. Yes...I was pissed about moving, but doesn't mean I can blow off a potential manz like that. He probably thinks I'm a bitch.  But my stupid brain disobeyed my judgements completely and I looked at him, in eyes. His hazel eyes shining and his smile sparked as his teeth were perfectly aligned with braces. "It's very nice to meet you ladies. I'm LiAngelo, but please call me Gelo." He winked at me and I basically melted. "Gelo, quit it," Michelle said, noticing my discomfort," I'll bring them by later and you and the boys can get to know them then." He nodded. "See you later girls." He winked at me and left. Michelle, Jana, Mya, Arh'yha, and Jaeda looked at me and burst out laughing. "Damn girl!" Jackie said. "This bitch got it bad!" Hannah said. They all laughed at me for 2 minutes and then the bell rang signaling the time for 5th period. I walked to 5th period Calculus with Mia and Jana in tow. I sighed as I walked into the classroom and saw a seating chart. I looked at it and found my seat. I turn to go sit down and there I see my table partner from behind. I'd know that stature anywhere. I go and sit down next to him. Jana and Mia are sitting net to each other laughing their asses off. The bell rings and I tap his shoulder. He turns around and smiles when he sees me, his eyes twinkling in the sunlight that shining through the window. "Why hello beatuiful...interesting seeing you here..."
Who do you think is??? Put it in the comments.
Also I'm putting up a chapterly sing unless I have another reason for the media section. I'm calling it Aaliyah's daily turn up.
I hope ya'll like it. Ik it's kinda short but school has been a bitch so I'll try snd get back with it!

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