
Worlds Colliding (The Originals)



Day One

Morning - Abattoir Compound - Ballroom 

The jawbone was on a table, within a boundary spell so no one could get to it, circling around, making a scraping sound on the table.

Rae was standing next to the table, circling around it like the jawbone was, watching it curiously. She could hear whispering voices in the air around her, looking up.

Kassandra, Nicola, Kaylin and Mikayla walked closer from behind Rae. 

"Rae, what's going on?" Kassandra asked.

Rae looked at Kaylin. "Mom, can you hear them, too?"

Elijah, Klaus, Hayley and Hope walked toward them from in front of Rae.

"What's going on?" Hope asked.

Kaylin pulled Rae away from the table, turning her to face her, kneeling in front of her. "Look at me. Tell me what you heard."

"Voices," Rae answered. "They said that Hayley, Mikayla and Hope are connected to this, all three of them. And Auria, Luke, Ryan, Danny, Emma, Riley, Kacie, Tory."

Klaus pointed at the jawbone. "If this fossil has been whispering lies, I'll gladly throw it in the river."

"No, not the bone," Rae told them. "The witches. The Ancestors. They have a message for us. A warning."

"Tell us what they said," Nicola told her.

"They want Klaus, Hayley and Mikayla to go to St. Anne's Church to talk to them and to Auria and Marcel," Rae explained. "They said you have to do exactly what they say, and you have to do it now. Before the Hollow comes for us."

Klaus, Hayley and Mikayla looked at Rae in confusion. Kassandra, Elijah, Kaylin and Nicola looked at them in worriedly. Hope and Rae exchanged a look.


Out of Town Gas Station

Lindsey Davis-Thompson and Ryan Thompson were getting Emma and Danny Davis-Thompson in their car after stopping for a break, on the phone with Luke, Tory and Kacie, who were in New Orleans still.

"You need to relax," Ryan told them. "We're on our way to New Orleans right now. And we have good news. We went through our family crypts, and we found you guys two creepy, ancient bones."

Tory, Kacie and Luke were in the backroom of Rousseau's, drinking and talking over the phone.

"Your efforts are appreciated," Kacie told them. "Now, if you could only pick up the pace."

Kacie took a drink.

Lindsey chuckled in amusement. "Easy, Kacie. The only reason why we've been helping the Mikaelsons is because of the three of you and the three Salvatore girls. Not to mention that this apparently seems to be a battle that your two families were involved in way back when."

"Yeah, it was a shock to us, too, Lindsey," Tory told her, taking a drink.

Ryan leaned against the car in curiosity. "You believe Mikayla Labonair when she said that this could have been all three of our family's destiny or legacy or whatever?"

Worlds Colliding (The Originals) Book FourWhere stories live. Discover now