Chapter 1 - In The Beggining

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Its tough being a new girl. I should know I move school every 6 months! I might as well change my name to new girl or hey you. Naturally I became this tough girl because when you dont have anyone you need to be strong. Don't get me wrong im not some lonely ugly moron, I'm actually smart and most say im pretty hot but I dont see it! My parents have these high and mighty jobs so they don't get how I turned out like I have!!!!!

So today I'm starting at St. Edwards High in London, England. As I'm walking onto the yard I felt like I had forgotten to dress this morning because everyone was staring. One person I noticed was a young lad who everyone was staring at before I showed up and he looked down his nose at me. I hate people who do that!!!! Beside that this guy was pretty cute.............. NO JO!! DON'T!! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!! A law of newbies is 'Don't get involved with boys'. This boy that was approching me with his tight jeans and shirt hanging off his close fitting T-shirt was making me want to break that rule there and then.

He stopped a few yards away and onlookers stopped to take in the encounter. Arms folded across his chest he glanced me up and down, probably taking in my sensible black skirt and favourite red blouse. He had a smile on hid face and he looked amazing!!!!! He spoke in a god-like voice

"Hey, I'm Coady Lewis and you're clear" he winked and turned away. Looking over his shoulder he said "come on Jo walk with me!" HOW DID HELL DID THIS HOT GUY KNOW MY NAME?!?!?!?

I didn't know what I was doing but I suddenly realised that I was following this new, hot (and kind of strange) guy. What was I doing?!?! 

We walked towards a strange hut and I got a bit scared. What was he going to do? But when we got there if was just a hut with some chairs, a fire, a table and some refreshment stations. Simple enough. This Coady handed me a coke and I sipped at it still anxious. Why was he staring at me like that?

Its so weird! I have never felt like this before. I'm never self-consious about guys, I'm practically one of them for crying out loud!!!!! This guy was different some how........ I just couldn't pinpoint it! It took me a miniute to realise he had a bestranged look on his face. The bell rung for 1st period and Coady gestured for me to make my way to my first room which I then remembered I didnt know where it was located. I asked Coady and (as if this story wasn't obvious enough) we had the same room to go to!

Coady stared at me all through first lesson as I sat with my feet on the table, my work completed, as Mr.Chase complained and explained the shool's rules and standards like I actually gave a crap! When I was handed a detention slip that went straight into the bin he laughed. But then we were both handed slips and were put into a referal together with the head master! We got a load of sh*t and I just laughed it off when the day ended. Coady walked with me while I strolled along in utter dismissal. When I got to my house and he was stood at the next door I questioned him. He lived there................. oh crap!!!!!!

My parents were annoyed about my detention but I just walked upstairs and logged onto facebook. 1 new friends request: Coady Lewis. I accepted, turned off my laptop and went to bed after a load of procrastination with regards to homework! Well you know what they say:

Life's a b*tch and then you die!

......................................... you got that right

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