Chapter 1

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Written by Shannon Long

and edited by Lauren Lyles

Dedicated to Lauren who encouraged me to read, helped me learn to appreciate books. Also to all my amazing friends who inspired me to write.

Chapter I:

I Get Bullied By Some Nerds

If I could have been somewhere else, I would be there. I feel like I've been standing for hours. No, maybe a day or two. The humidity in the air is growing stronger. The concrete street is feeling more like quicksand. A voice in the back of my mind is singing a lovely, seducing lullaby calling me to sleep. My skinny, pale arms feel like a heavy weight and my red (due from lack of sleep), tired eyes are drooping so badly I think they're going to fall out of my sockets. I've almost collapsed about six times in the past ten minutes and I believe I am drooling.


But it's not real, it's probably just a dream. I feel like I am waiting for something... I think it's a dream, but it seems so real.

Oh wait, it is real.

I remember now. I declared in hyper-active mind.

I have been standing in line for about twenty-two hours waiting for the new video game, Reality World Online. I've been waiting for months! Gamers from all over have been in line just to be one of the lucky one hundred players to test it out before everyone for a month. Afterwards, everyone will be able to buy it, but for twice the original amount.

As rumor goes, the game will seem so real, it will feel like you're literally there!

How legit is that?!

As you may know, I'm not the (what's the word?) macho-est guy there is.

As I was in line, a group of gamers started laughing at me and teasing me about how I would never get the game in time as they waved their DVDs around.

Yep, that's right. I got bullied by a bunch of nerds.

Yet here I am, not knowing if I even will be a beta tester. There might be seventy people ahead of me, there might be two hundred.

Two hours pass and my puny legs are failing me. I've pulled all nighters before playing war games and such, but imagine standing throughout the whole, entire day.

As I blankly stood, straining from forcing my eyes open, people behind me tossed and pushed me forward like a rag doll, complaining at me to move. Finally, I realize there are only five people ahead of me and games continues to be passed out. My heart jumps. My head pounds. Will I make it? My thoughts ran through my head like a tornado on steroids. Of course I will. Or will I? "Shut up, me." It took me awhile to figure out I said that aloud.

I finally reached the table. I sighed from relief. Suddenly, my large, crazy smile turned upside-down into a nice, large frown. I heard the three most tragic words that I've heard in my entire life; besides perhaps, 'no pizza left'.

"Sorry, we're out."

I stood there, stormy grey eyes bloodshot from no sleep, blonde hair sticking in all directions, and breath smelling like a wet dog's fur covered with coffee.

People around me groaned from frustration. Some let their anger out by punching a brick wall (and they later regretted it). But I just stood there in silence.

Could you call me a strange kid? Yeah, you could. While you're at it, call me clumsy, awkward, unsocial, geeky, and puny. But I will not let my twenty-five hours be wasted by someone saying, 'sorry, we're out'.

My eyes filled with rage. My fist clenched. I was about to punch someone in the face and judo-flip the person behind me; until a girl walked up to me.

I couldn't see her face because she wore a navy hoodie, but her hair was a beautiful auburn (if you ask me). She was a bit shorter than me and she looked athletic and strong, yet she seemed graceful. Her lips displayed a light shimmering pink color. She smelled of fresh, cool watermelon on a hot summer's day. I usually don't get this excited of a real human girl. Her copper tinted arm stretched out to me. She held out a disk of Realty World Online.

I was in awe. I closed my mouth before I started drooling. I wanted to reply, 'Naaw, I can't take this.' or something intelligent and smooth like that, but I just took it and said the stupidest thing I could ever say.

"Errr, thanks."

Her smile faded. She winced. "Is- is that all you're going to say to me? Thanks? Are you kidding me? I just gave you a priceles game and then you-" She paused. I wish I could see her eyes, but her face was still down. I could imagine them flaming with anger. I wish I replied with something more- well, slick. My face was as red as a tomato. She awkwardly scratched her silky hair.

"Uh, I mean- it's okay. I have another copy. I hope to see you later." the girl quickly whispered.

I found myself staring. I shook out of it, but I was in shock and couldn't speak. The mysterious girl promptly and hastily disappeared, and I never said something back. I felt like passing out. Either because I was so embarrassed, or I just got the game I've been wanting for like- forever, I'm not sure.

I glared at the game. Then it hit me. Why are you standing there? We got a new game to try out! I smiled. I turned and dashed- faster than I can ever remember for home.

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