Home and Help

317 16 13

Jacks POV

when the sun comes out I bring her home
Sam and I walk inside my house me helping her, she's still not used to walking so I guide her to the couch and let her sit down

"Are you hungry? Thirsty? Does your eye hurt? Do you need medicine? Are you too cold? too hot?" "I'm ok" she whispers "just *yawns* tired" I smile and untense

I kiss her head and cover her up with a blanket "Take a small nap then, I'm not going anywhere" she yawns again then falls asleep

then there's a knock at the door, I quickly answer so they don't wake her

I open it slightly in case it's Kyle, but it's Mark, and Amy and as I look down I see a little boy in pajamas with brown bed head, Tim, holding Amy's hand looking up at me "Hi Jack!!" he says smiling "hey" I nervously whisper "Dude what's going on? " "uh...I've....I've been at the hospital" I whisper "Oh my gosh, are you ok?" Amy asks "yeah don't worry it's something else"

"Well what happened?" I look back to Sam, I told her I wouldn't leave and I'm keeping that promise.  "Y'all can come in just be very quite" I look at Tim and smile "can ya do that cutie?" he nods and puffs out his cheeks "yup, bubble" Amy told him

I open the door and they walk in, I quickly check on Sam just in case and she's ok. I look to Mark and Amy who are smiling and Tims face is red from holding his bubble "ok pop your bubble Tim" I advise so he does and starts catching his breathe

"Jack you never told us you had a daughter" Mark whispers "that's cuz I didn't" "well who is she then" I look at Amy and nod towards Tim "Oh, Tim, honey, go play in the back yard ok? The grown ups need to talk" "Ok mom!" Amy kisses his head and he runs outside to my backyard

"ok so this is what happened"

I explain the whole story

"Oh my God, that poor baby" Amy says holding back tears "wow, I can't believe you got her out of that, you're literally a dad hero" Mark says laughing "I guess, she said she was ok with being my daughter" "she's 6 right?" Amy asks "Yeah that's the only thing she knew" "maybe her and Tim will get along? He's 7 so they're close in age"

Tim walks in and goes to Amy "what is it baby?" she asks and Mark rolls his eyes "he's not a baby anymore Amy" she looks to him "Well he's always my baby" she looks back to Tim "I need to go potty" "Mark can you take him?" Amy asks "Yeah, come on bud" Mark held his hand and brought him to my bathroom

"d-dad?" I rush to Sam "I'm right here Sammy, don't worry" she smiles and her eyes flutter open again. I smile and uncover her green eye to look at her green eye and blue eye

She then sees Amy "wh-whos that?" Amy walks up to her "Hi, I'm Amy, I'm your dads friend" "oh...Hi Amy" she looks to me "dad? my eye hurts" "I've got it!" I rush to the medicine get the one for her eye pains and run back to her with the medicine and a bottle of water "Ok sit up"

she sits up against the couch and takes her medicine "is that better?" she nods

Tim and Mark walk back and Tim runs to her "Whoa! Why are your eyes different colors?" Amy pops his butt "Tim be nice"  "oww, sorry mom"
Sam backs up a little from Tim "It's ok Sam, this is Tim" he waves "Hi!" she slowly waves her hand "Hi, I'm Sam" she whispers "Hi Sam! Wanna go play!?" she looks to me "It's ok, try to walk"

She gets off the couch and I immediately try to help her walk. Once she gets the hang of it I let them go outside and play but I keep a close eye on them when I hear Mark and Amy laugh "What?" I ask not taking my eyes off Sam "Jack you're that over protective dad" Mark told me

"yeah but with what she went through I have a reason to be, plus I'm like this when I babysit Tim either way. I just don't want a kid hurt, hearing them cry breaks my heart" "then have fun being a dad" Amy said "it breaks my heart as well but when Tim gets in trouble I have to spank him and put him in time out. No matter how much he cries , I can't go to him" "Yup they've gotta learn" Mark finishes

"Well I'll find another way, I'm not spanking her or putting her in time out, she's been through enough" "you're gonna have to Jack, it's the only way she'll really learn what she can and can't do"

I then see Sam run inside, I run to her and get down to her level. She's crying!? "Sam! What's wrong!?" she just wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me tightly so I hug her back "shhh it's ok Sammy, I'm here" I try to calm her down

"Tim! Come inside now!" Mark yells

Tim walks inside and to Mark and Amy and I "Tim what happened out there?" "the kids next door were picking on Sam so I tried to stop them then she ran inside"

I smile at Tim "Thank you for trying to stick up for her Tim" I stand up with Sam and her legs wrap around my stomach
"That was a very nice thing Tim" Mark says ruffling his hair up more he smiles up at them

a alarm then went off in Amy's purse "We gotta head home, Tim it's time for you to get ready to go to school" "Yay!" he celebrates making us laugh "Is Sam coming!?" I hesitate, I'm not letting her go away from me for 8 hours, no way

"No, Sam's staying home" I tell him "Jack, she's gonna have to leave for school sooner or later" "Then I choose later, I'm not letting her leave me for that long" Amy laughs "Alright well maybe she can go to school with Tim tomorrow?" I muster up a fake pout "No" I say stubbornly "She's not leaving my sight. She could be bullied! What if she falls there and gets hurt?" "Tim will be there too Jack"

I know she should leave for school, but I don't want to let her go yet

Once I hear snoring I lay her down on the couch and cover her back up "Night baby" I whisper kissing her head

I then feel Tim jump on my back. I laugh and pull him off from the side then pull him in front of me and he's laughing "You should be getting to school little man" "Can I stay here with you and Sam!?" "well that's up to your parents not me"

we both look over to Amy "Nope, he's gotta go to school" "Sorry bud" I say ruffling his hair

I set him down on the ground and they leave to bring him to school

I can't believe I really have a daughter now

A Science Experiment? (Tim x Sam)Where stories live. Discover now