Ch.1 Awakened

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All PJO characters belong to the awesome Rick Riordan. Any OCs and the plot belong to me.

Ch. 1

Aaron POV

" With power comes responsibility I however am not responsible for the actions of others due to this reason."

~Aaron Shaw


My head is killing me ugh. What happened? I thought to myself. The last thing I remember is...that flesh eating sicko take a bite out ta me!

Ugh...why does my jaw hurt? It's dam near painful.

Hah, dam. *Sigh*he missed them. His cousins, his best friends, his brother and his sister in all but blood. It hurt him to think that they hated his guts. He also missed a certain dead daughter of Atlas who unknowingly made that joke. He also missed Goat Boy and Tyson his Cyclops brother.

Agh, getting off topic. Right keep moving don't want to encounter more flesh eating psychos. Getting up and re-holstering my weapons seemed like such a chore. What with my aching muscles and all.

Argh, but I have to, so I will for them.

Cold dark sea wrapping it's arms around me... I push you away although I wish you could go go go get out of here go get out of here. That song again it's stuck stuck stuck in my head...I remember it though I wish it would go stays stays stays in my head stays in my head.

It's not that I don't like it just that it depresses me. It reminds me of how everything I wanted had to go away and what I don't stays with me. It reminds me of everything and everyone I lost. Things and people I wish would return. Though it seems the ones I wish would go away mock me with their presence.

Omniscient POV

As Aaron stood he didn't notice how quickly he seemed to be moving. Whenhe had gathered all his belongings he left the alleyway. As he walked though he did notice how empty the streets were. What he didn't notice or more like chose to ignore was the feeling of being watched.

After awhile the feeling couldn't be ignored any longer. He turned quickly and saw some of them right behind him watching. His body gave an involuntary shudder. He tensed ready for a fight. To his surprise they just stood watching.

Shocking him when they moved then and bowed to him. Then they just turned and left. Though he could've sworn he heard them say, "My Lord."

Aaron was officially freaking out. Those things had actually bowed down to him and called him their lord. He was thoroughly panicked and confused. 'Why hadn't those psychos taken a bite outta him?'

Those flesh eating psychopaths, as he had deemed them, were all chattering in a series of clicks, groans, sighs, moans and snaps which he unknowingly understood. If he had paid mind to this he may have avoided future conflict as it was he ignored this. And if he had paid closer attention noticed he was drenched in near black dead blood cells.

So in consequence Aaron was not at all prepared for an attack as deep in thought as he was. This led to him nearly being decapitated. Resulted from short sword which he narrowly dodged.

He deftly used his momentum to kick back his would be killer. He swiftly armed himself as he finally noted he was surrounded. His attackers comrades were likewise armed. They looked at wide eyed before eyeing him warily gripping their weapons tightly.


The teen a blue eyed blonde stood wheezing. The boy was shocked that the Mali Mortuus or Evil Dead he was to kill was in fact alive. He looked at the strange boy who appeared to be in his late teens warily.

He stood about 6'2 he had raven black windswept hair and kaleidoscope coloured eyes. He was wearing a long knee length black trench coat over a stained white T-shirt with the script Of Monsters and Men in bold red letters. Along with black skinny jeans and red high tops.

The teen also looked well built and looked like a swimmer. He'd had two long thin twin blades strapped to his back which he now had firmly gripped in his hands. A dagger and gun holstered at his waist. Added to this he carried a small bag tied to his waist.

The teen stopped his analysis when the strange older teen looked at his comrades and himself with an amused air. He glared at the smirking older boy. How dare he laugh at him and his group.

Having enough of the others amusement he spoke," Who are you and what is your intention stranger? Speak now." he ordered.

The stranger looked at him eyebrows arched. He spoke, " Who do you think you are to order me around after nearly decapitating me? You and your fellows amuse me so I'll answer out of common courtesy only though. I am Aaron Shaw the local monster and zombie hunter."

The blonde flushed but then scowled, " Fine let me start anew Mr. Shaw," the teen, Aaron, inclined his head in acknowledgment. Blue eyes continued, " My name is Jason and my fellow legionaries and I are demigods."

Aaron raised a questioning brow," Demigods you say prove it."

Jason smirked and spread his arms electricity crackled over his body his gladius held firmly in hand he reintroduced himself," My name is Jason. Jason Grace praetor of Camp Jupiter son of Jupiter king god of Olympus..."

To be continued...

~ Oh, looks like Aaron (Percy) has run into the Roman demigods. What will happen next? Why did these Evil Dead bow to Aaron? Why isn't Aaron gnawing on someones skull? Song quoted 'The Sinking Man' by Of Monsters and Men. Find out in the next instalment of Dead Rising.


~ Starlover

The Dead Rising ( A PERCY JACKSON FANFICTION)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora