Yukimura stared confusedly at her and she took that as a signal to elaborate.

"Well, a lot of people are talking. More than usual." Misaki finished.

Something akin to realisation glinted in his innocent eyes and he spoke up, more confident this time, "Ah, it's the new transfer student. He's quite popular already and he hasn't even shown up."

Sitting down at her desk, Misaki rested her chin on her palm. "I see." She kept her gaze focused on the surface of her desk.

'He.' Another guy, huh.

From the beginning of the school year, Misaki's prime goal as the student council president was to increase the number of girls in the school. She knew that she couldn't help boys transferring to Seika, but there were already too many of them. And it didn't help that she disliked males.

A few moments of silence passed and Yukimura spoke up again. "I almost forgot! The principal told me to tell you that you have to tour him around the school during first period."

Looking up at him, Misaki saw a shaken expression on his face, almost as if he was scared for her reaction. She felt terrible, as that same expression was slowly becoming normal on his face everyday. And Misaki knew for a fact that she didn't want him to act like that around her, especially as he was the vice-president meaning he was supposed to work beside her often.

Misaki, you should try to have a good relationship with Yukimura.

He's just one person.

Misaki took a deep breath and smiled at him. "It's okay, Yukimura. We all forget things sometimes." Inside, Misaki cringed at how different that sounded to her usual self.

Yukimura continued to stare at Misaki, even more terrified than he initially was. "Um, kaichou, are you feeling okay?" he hesitantly asked. It seemed her plan of making amends was not working.

Raising an eyebrow, Misaki challenged him. "Yes, does it look like there is something wrong with me?"

Squeaking, he retreated a few steps backwards and forced out, "N-no of course not."

Well, the plan definitely failed.

Standing up straight from her seat, Misaki forcefully slid the doors open again and left, leaving a petrified vice-president. Strutting through the halls, she made her way to the teachers office to ask about the new student, as first period was going to start in a few minutes.

Seeing that the door was already open, Misaki carefully walked in and saw the teacher in charge of children behaviour and progress. His job included looking after new transfer students until they fit in.

Beside him, she saw a tall boy, who she assumed was the new student. He was stood faced away from her. Eyeing him, Misaki saw that he was a head taller than her and that he had blonde hair.

A foreigner?

Silently, Misaki walked towards them, careful not to disrupt the conversation. She started fiddling with her fingers behind her back as she stood upright with a passive expression.

"Ah, Ayuzawa-san," the teacher acknowledged her. Misaki dropped her hands to her sides and then folded them in front of her and respectfully bowed to the teacher.

"Sensei, is this the new student?" Misaki inquired, curiously. She wasn't going to lie, she was quite interested in what kind of person he was. But it wasn't as if he was special, she knew that she was just like that with everyone that gave her a strange vibe, and this new student was definitely that kind of person. It wasn't often that there would be a blonde Japanese student, especially one that would transfer to a school like Seika.

Maybe he'll be different from the typical males.

Shaking her head, Misaki disagreed with that initial thought. I doubt it. All men are the same.

Well, expect Yukimura I guess, she concluded as an afterthought.

The teacher spoke, snapping Misaki out her thoughts surrounding the mysterious new student. "Yes, I leave him in your hands, Ayuzawa-san," he spoke slowly. "Meet Usui Takumi."

Usui turned his head and faced her.

She was suprised.

And so was he.

"You?" they both said at the same time.


hi, i'm back with another chapter. misaki and takumi have finally met!
personally, i want their relationship to go slowly (compared to the anime/manga) because i want them to develop a good, trustworthy friendship before anything crazy happens haha.

i'd just like to warn you in advance that i suck at writing romance, this is a first for me (i usually write dark fantasy, action and fab shit like that hehe) but not on this account. my other account is a secret. ;)) so i made this new account for random stuff like this - tbh stories on here aren't going to be my best, they're just going to be ideas i think are fun to work with, basically they aren't going to be 'as serious.' also, i want to keep my two accounts separate for personal reasons-- :)))

and am i the only one that finds yukimura so precious - he needs to be protected!!11!

well, until the next chapter!


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