The second beginning of Billybob

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An hour had passed and Billy Bob had finally realised what was happening. Timmy was going to destroy the world! Billy Bob ran into his trailer, hopping over pieces of his cousin that were laying on the floor.

Billy Bob entered his father's old room and gazed upon the decorations. The room had a very Japanese temple styled look to it, maybe Father was a weeb. Billy Bob saw a note attached to an opaque case that was hanging on the wall. The note read: "Billy Bob, behind this locked case you will find my old Samurai sword. Use it only in an emergency... Oh, and put on the Samurai clothes, they're cool. -Dad"

Billy Bob took the note off of the case, to his surprise there was another note underneath. This note read: "Whoopsie! Almost forgot! The key is in my pocket... And I'm too dead to hand it to you so you're gonna have to get it yourself, there should be a case with a shovel inside of it so you can dig up my grave."

Billy Bob turned 90 degrees clockwise and there was another opaque case. Billy Bob tried to open it, but alas, the case was locked and there was yet another little post-it note on the case that read: "Hi, Billy Bob! It's me again, Dad! Did you miss me in the time it took you to turn around?" There was a little smiley face drawn next to it. The note continued after the small face: ".... Oh yeah, the key! The key for this case is under my teeny tiny bonsai tree."

Billy Bob sighed aloud and looked for a bonsai tree. Eventually he found it and underneath was a key! Finally, progress!

Billy Bob opened the opaque case to find another key and anooooother post-it note.

This time the note said: "I couldn't find my shovel so I just put a key that opens the Samurai sword case here so you can dig up my body and get the key that opens a different case with a post-it note in it."

But luckily, Billy Bob wasn't dumb enough to go and dig up his father with the key he needed and instead he went and opened the case he needed to open.

Billy Bob returned to the Samurai sword case and opened it. Not only was there an awesome sword in there, there were some traditional samurai clothes

Billy bob was finally ready to go to Egypt and take on the dreaded Timmy... Or was he?

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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