Chapter 1

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Fluttershy pov

I walk on a street. Thinking about twilight. Um.........well i kinda have a crush on her but i too shy to tell her.then i snap back to reality when i hear a sound "hi fluttershy" when i turn it's twilight i blushes while i saying "hi twiligth"but then i release she brought a flower. "um....... twilight are you going to give that flower to somepony? Who's the lucky pony?" I ask her while smiling even though I kinda sad about it. "Well the lucky pony is right in front of me" she said "w-what?m-me???" I ask while I blush. "Yup, you're right" she said while give me the flower. I'm so happy without thinking anymore i kiss her cheek. And then start walking away from her while saying "thanks for the flower twi".

Something just like this Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora