Eleventh Hour - He Is Back And I Still Got That Feeling

Start from the beginning

"That thing that happened in the hospital the sun, prison Zero.."I was saying but the Doctor interrupting me.

"That is just the start of it there's loads more."The Doctor said. He really didn't know what had happened. For man off all that knowlegde of space and time, he sure was dumb.

"That was two years ago!"I shouted. His face dropped to pure shock, so he didn't know. This was a thing with him, being late and not even knowing about it.

"Uh, that's-"The Doctor stuttered. 

I nodded my head furiously at him "..Yeah, fourteen years."I said.

"Fourteen years, since fish custard.."The Doctor said slowly "..Sapphire and Amy Pond. The girls that waited I think you both have waited long enough".

"When I was a little kid you said there was Library. And there was a swimming, and the swimming pool was in the Library."I said. I remembered everything he said to us when we was children. 

"Yeah, I'm not sure where it has go to know. Coming?"The Doctor asked. I hesitated to answer, so did Amy. I wanted to go so much and see the stars and all the planets in the universe, but what if left us again and this time on a alien planets.

"No!"Me and Amy said.

"You both wanted to come fourteen years ago."The Doctor said.

That was fourteen years ago when I was little girl. The Doctor seemed so amazing, brilliant and out of this world, but then he left and never came back after twelve years. That's when I lost most of my faith in wanting to travel with him.

"We grow up."I said.

The Doctor smirked at us, shacking his head "..Don't worry, I'll soon fixing that."He said. He raised his hand and click them, and on cue the door's of the TARDIS opened doors.I walked in like a zombie with Amy, attracted by beauty of the TARDIS.

I stared into the TARDIS. It was amazing....it was bigger inside. I mean big, bigger, huge. It was whole universe in here. They were different colored lights all over the consoles. In center of the TARDIS, I figured it was a console, lots of different objects from a type writer, phone and other random buttons.

"Well anything you want to say.."The Doctor said. I  have heard all the passing remarks?"The Doctor asked,  he was stood next to me smirking.

"It's beyond beautiful! Its not an IT, you its was TARDIS and she. So, she is beyond beautiful..."I said mumbling to myself, but I think the Doctor heard me. The TARDIS then made a funny noise, I stopped in my steps as I didn't know it was good or bad "...What's wrong?"I asked. 

"Nothing. She likes you."The Doctor said smiling as he walked off into the console, I still looked around slowly amazed.

"So, all of time and space, everything that ever happened or ever will. Where do you both want to start?"The Doctor said. 

I headed up the stairs to the console "..You are so sure were coming."I said, the Doctor twisted around the console so he was facing us.

"Yeah, I am."The Doctor said smugly.

"Why?"Amy asked, as she looked at the console closely. 

"You two were the little Scottish girls, growing up in a English village. I know who that feels."The Doctor said. I touched the handle on the TARDIS, but I quickly moved it as it made a sound.

"Do you now?"I said.

"Well all these years living here.."The Doctor said slowly, as he pressed random buttons on the TARDIS, what was he doing?  "..You both still go that accent."He said.

"Can you get us back for tomorrow morning?"Amy said. Tomorrow was important, it was the biggest day of Amys life. It was very important that we didn't miss it, espically Amy as it was about her. 

"Yeah it's a time machine, I could get you back, in minutes.."The Doctor said. He looked at her curiously, titling his head round the side of the TARDIS to look at Amy "..Why whats tomorrow?"He asked.

"Nothing, nothing, you know stuff."Amy lied smoothly. Being with Aunt Sharon all them years has made her perfect liar. It was worrying, but I guess I was little good at lying. 

"Aright back in time for..stuff."The Doctor said.

An alarming sound came from the TARDIS. The Doctor walked round to the source of the sound. A sliver tube thing appeared from the TARDIS. It was the doctors sonic, it was much bigger then his orignal one, but the other one had burnt out. 

"Aha, a new one.."The Doctor said pointing it and the placed it back into his pocket. The Doctor leaned closer to the TARDIS "..Thanks, dear.."The Doctor whispered, then he began again, pressing button on the type writer.

"Why us?"I said.

"Why not?"The Doctor asked, not answering my question.

I walked around till I was facing  the Doctor "..Seriously you are asking me and Amy to run away with you in the middle of the night.?It's a fair question"I said.

"I dunno, fun. Do I have to have a reason?"The Doctor asked.

"People always have a reason."I said. 

The Doctor looked at me smirking "..Do I look like people?"The Doctor asked. 

"Yes."I said.

"Been knocking on my own for awhile, my choice, but I have been talking to myself all time it's giving my self ear ache."The Doctor said. 

"Your lonely. That's it."I said.

"Just that."The Doctor said slowly, not wanting to answer question. He didn't want to talk about being lonely, I knew he was lying at me, I could always tell.

"Okay."I said.

I walked away from him, I leaned against the railing looking looking up at the TARDIS. It was massive, but brilliant it made me feel strange like I was somewhere different, not in this universe.

The Doctor lent on the railing next to me "..So you both okay, then? Because this place can make you feel, you know."The Doctor said, waving his hands in air meaning the TARDIS.

"I'm fine."Amy said.

"It's just there is a whole world in here, like you said it is all true."I said. I laughed, thinking deeply about the Doctor "..I've began to think, you're a mad man with a box"I said. 

"Sapphire Pond, what you must understand about me. It's important, your life may depend on it.."The Doctor said serious, making me look at him concerned "...I'm a mad man with a box."He laughing as he walked back to the TARDIS console.

I joined in, he was such a mad man. I never thought that one day I would be in his time machine. As a little girl, I dreamed and wished for the Doctor to come and take us one adventures around the world, and the universe.

"Goodbye Leathworth. Hello everything."The Doctor said, he flicked on the buttons on the TARDIS. The TARDIS shack violently taking off from the boring old Leathworth. I quickly clung to the TARDIS control laughing gleeful..

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