Chapter 2 - What would you do?

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Melissa lay in the bath for an hour, constantly topping up the hot water. Her mind in perpetual motion. Nothing was easy. Since her father died six months earlier, life had been difficult, more than difficult. She'd had a protected childhood, she could tell that now, and knew that it had left her grossly unprepared for all that was currently being thrown at her. But one thing that Melissa wasn't was bitter, she knew that toward the end of his life her father had made some bad decisions, not least in inviting Ryan Porter into their world. But she wasn't one for blaming anyone or wallowing in self pity. She had to deal with this mess, no one else could.

Despite her safe and protected upbringing, she'd always shown an interest in the family business, and had always intended to take over the helm, that had inspired her in qualifying with honors from the best business school in London. Again despite a healthy allowance through university, she'd worked part-time to keep herself in additional luxuries. She knew she'd been lucky having such a doting father. Since her mother died in her early teens there was nothing he wouldn't do for her. But she now knew that all that she knew was helped by the security of her family name and wealth. 

Yes, Melissa now realized that her life had definitely been viewed through rose tinted spectacles. The minor projects she'd been involved with during those early days at the business had never even begun to highlight the poor business man her father had become. And she rued the day that she'd let Stanley Wharton snub Liam Harts' offer and team up with Ryan Porter. The man who'd literally torn her life in two, just days after her father's funeral.

Dried off and in her pyjamas, she'd turned on some music and opened a bottle of wine. She wasw just about to sit down when the doorbell rang.

"Mr Hart!" she exclaimed opening the door to him. It was the last thing she wanted or needed after the few months she'd had. All she wanted was time, space and her wine, the last thing she'd expected was a visitor. Her throat was tight and a knot seemed to immediately develop in her stomach. 

"Call me Liam," he murmured stunned by her appearance. With a clean scrubbed face, still damp, tied back hair and thin cotton pajamas she looked about fifteen, even though his investigations had revealed she was twenty nine. It was disconcerting to be so off balanced by her, to be floored by her lack of defensive guard, especially as he'd come here with the intention of getting the truth out of her. "You really need to get better staff Ms Wharton, no one should give out your address to a stranger."

She shrugged, "it's hardly relevant as I'm about to lose all claim to the business. I'm sure it's something the new owner will take advice from."

He nodded, but said no more, his eyes were wide, knowing icy blue eyes. Sighing, taking a deep breath she asked "do you want to come in Liam?"

"Well, I don't want to discuss business on the doorstep Melissa......can I call you that?"

Nodding, she turned and climbed the stairs to the upstairs apartment reluctantly, then instantly became aware of his gaze on her. Suddenly the clinging jersey pyjama bottoms and vest top seemed too revealing.

He held his breath as she headed up in front of him, he'd never been a bum man, but hers in those ridiculously clinging pyjama's, sitting so low on her hips, yet just covering her curvy bottom instantly turned him on, as did the inch of pale smooth flesh displayed between the two items of her scant clothing. 

As she continued to climb, he followed behind, watching the fabric coat her every move. He could tell she was naked beneath them, and the realization sent a bolt of heat through his body that almost grounded him.

Liam grabbed the hand rail, then shook his head angrily, he was here for a reason, he couldn't let her wily body disrupt his chain of thought. He'd never let anyone disturb his calm or disrupt his business brain, he wasn't about to start now with this overindulged spoiled girl.

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