Why me?

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"I'm sorry are you ok" Takano asked frantically

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"I'm sorry are you ok" Takano asked frantically. "I'm ok, it was an accident" Yokozawa replied while tilting his head up and holding his nose to avoid any blood from falling on his jacket. "Alright, alright everyone give him some space" the coach said while pushing through the crowd of girls and boys. "Any volunteers  to walk him to the nurse" the coach asked. "I'll take him" Kirishima answered causing Yokozawa to groan in annoyance, couldn't this guy leave him alone. "Ok, here's your hall pass. Take it easy Takafumi" the coach said while patting his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kick the ball that hard" Takano apologized. "Its ok, I should've kicked it back" Yokozawa said while shrugging him off. "C'mon, just tilt your head up" Kirishima said. "Thats what I'm doing, you idiot" Yokozawa replied while moving his hand causing some blood to run down his face. "Keep your hand there" Kirishima ordered. "I'm trying!" Yokozawa huffed while adjusting his backpack. "Just give me your damn backpack" Kirishima said while yanking it off of him. "OI!! Don't go touching stuff that doesn't belong to you!" Yokozawa shouted at him. "You'd think being hurt would shut you up" Kirishima replied. "HUH!?! You're the one who chose to walk me to the nurse, if you didn't want to then you should've stayed in class!!" Yokozawa said while glaring angrily at the floor as they walked to the main office. "sorry" Kirishima apologized. "Like I said; just stay away from me" Yokozawa replied while continuing to glare at the floor. "Only if it was that easy" Kirishima thought to himself.

"Is the nurse here" Kirishima asked when they got to the front office. "No, but you can wait in there...OH MY GOD, Yokozawa Takafumi did you get into a fight again" the lady at the front desk asked disapprovingly. "NO, now stop assuming stuff" Yokozawa huffed. "Good because you know your dad hates it when we call him, saying that his only son is starting trouble again" the lady at the front desk said while shaking her head at him. "Whatever it's not your job to be giving me advice, so just do your job" Yokozawa said while stomping into the nurses office. "Gomen nasai" Kirishima apologized for him, but couldn't help but be confused. "He's so intriguing and mysterious, I guess thats what draws me to him" Kirishima thought while following Yokozawa into the nurses office. "Don't worry, the nurse will be here in a few minutes" Kirishima comforted. "I'm not worried, I've had a lot worse than just a bloody nose" Yokozawa responded bitterly. "HUH? What do you mean, does your dad hit you" Kirishima asked. "NO!! Just drop it" Yokozawa said while closing his eyes and exhaling heavily. "I'm not going to drop it if your life is at stake" Kirishima said while leaning in so close, Yokozawa could practically feel his breath. "I said he doesn't hit me" Yokozawa replied while scowling at him. "Then what did you mean by 'you've had worse than a bloody nose'?" Kirishima questioned. "Mental pain is a lot worse than physical pain, so just leave it at that" Yokozawa replied his steely blue eyes going emotionless. "Ohh" Kirishima replied being to shocked to say anything else. "You can go if you want" Yokozawa replied while sitting down on the bed that was in there. "Why would I want to go" Kirishima asked while raising an eyebrow. "I was just making a suggestion" Yokozawa replied while tilting his head up again.
              Small time skip
"Ok, I don't think the nurse is coming" Kirishima said while stretching. "Well I guess I'mma head to class than" Yokozawa said trying to get off of the bed but Kirishima pushed him back down. "Whats your problem?!" Yokozawa asked confused and a little bit annoyed. "I'm not letting you leave out of here with a bloody nose" Kirishima replied. "EH?! You're not the boss of me" Yokozawa replied while trying to stand up again but Kirishima pushed him down causing him to fall flat on his back and stare up with wide eyes. "I said I'm not letting you leave here with a bloody nose, so whats your father's number" Kirishima asked while pulling out his phone. "Don't call him, he's at work" Yokozawa said while shaking his head. "Then what's your mom's number" Kirishima asked. "I'm not giving it to you, plus she's at work" Yokozawa replied. "Eh? So who takes care of you, obviously you're not 18 yet" Kirishima asked. "Thats none of your business" Yokozawa said while glaring up at him. "He's right, so why am I so interested in him" Kirishima thought to himself. "At least let me help you clean your face and hands" Kirishima said while releasing a sigh. "Hmm, fine" Yokozawa said after a bit of hesitation. "Ok, wait right here" Kirishima said while looking through the nurses office. "Where else am I supposed to go" Yokozawa thought while sitting up on the bed. "Here" Kirishima said while passing him some napkins. "Arigato" Yokozawa said while showing a small smile a gratitude. "You missed a spot" Kirishima said while watching Yokozawa clean his face. "Huh? Where" Yokozawa asked while tilting his head. "Right there" Kirishima pointed. "Did I get it" Yokozawa asked while rubbing his face with the napkin. "No, you missed it" Kirishima replied. "How about now" Yokozawa asked while scrubbing has face with the napkin. "Nope" Kirishima said while snickering. "Forget it then" Yokozawa huffed. "Let me see the napkin" Kirishima said while snatching it. "W..what are y..you doing" Yokozawa asked when Kirishima brought the napkin to his face. "I'm wiping your face" Kirishima said while bringing the napkin to Yokozawa jaw and cleaning it, causing Yokozawa to get a tint of pink on his face. "Why are you blushing" Kirishima asked while smirking. "Y..you're too close" Yokozawa replied while looking away. "Oh does that bother you" Kirishima asked while letting his warm breath fan over Yokozawa's face, causing Yokozawa's breath to hitch. "N..no but its uncomfortable" Yokozawa replied while taking a step back. "Hmm, ok. Lets get going before we're late to class. Oh and heres your backpack" Kirishima said while handing him his backpack. "Thanks" Yokozawa said while looking down trying to hide his blush. "Well I'mma head to class, you can tell the lady in the office that you're ok" Kirishima said while patting Yokozawa's head and walking off. "Why do I feel like this. My heart is beating so fast and all he did was touch my hair, what is he doing to me?" Yokozawa thought to himself while staring at the floor.

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