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She finally arrived on the 17th of June. But it was the most wonderful moment I had ever experienced, although it hurt like hell. We went with Tabatha in the end, and she is the most beautiful girl I could have asked for. Jim and I were on the ship when she was born, during a 2 week expedition, so she stayed with me in our room until we got home. Jim still had to work, of course, but Bones ordered me to stay in my room looking after Tabatha. She was such a calm baby, didn't cry too often, just easygoing. She had the cutest blue eyes and a tiny button nose. And I loved her with all my heart.
"Katia?" Jim called as he entered one evening.
"Yes?" I called in reply as he approached and kissed me. We watched Tabatha sleeping peacefully on the blankets in the middle of our bed.
"I'm going to stay off with you for a while after we get back to earth. Spock's gonna take over as captain for the rest of the month." He said, and I smiled.
"Zat's great, Jim." I said, and he smiled. We went to bed with Tabatha at our side, and looked forward to when we would get home and have all the time we needed to make sure our daughter had a perfect start to her life.

My phone rang as soon as we got home. Jim had Tabatha in his arms, so I could easily answer my phone.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Katia, sweetheart! How are you?" Mother asked me.
"I'm absolutely fine, mozer." I said, and she laughed.
"Why didn't you tell me she had arrived?" She asked, and I sighed.
"I completely forgot. I've been so busy looking after her..." I said.
"Well, what's her name?" She asked me.
"Tabatha Anastasia Kirk." I said, and I knew mother would like that name.
"It's beautiful. Congratulations, darling." She said. We talked for a while, until I needed to feed Tabatha.
I did so, then ate with Jim, before sitting and watching a film together.

3 months later
Tabatha now had a bit of curly brown hair, like mine. She was adorable, Jim and I couldn't be happier. Jim worked all the time, but I stayed at home. I had to go back to work in a few weeks, but I was allowed to take Tabatha with me. Starfleet was really relaxed when it came to babies and children. But if worst came to worst, she could always stay in Russia with mother and father. When work finally arrived, it felt good to be back. As a patient came in, Bones glanced over to me, Tabatha strapped to my chest.
"Your turn, doc." He said, and I nodded, before approaching the patient. It was a young boy, with long(ish) black hair, in a redshirt. There's always at least two red shirts in the medical bay.
"Hey, can I help you?" I asked, and he looked at me, confused.
"Where am I?" He asked me, looking around frantically.
"You're in the medical bay. I'm doctor Chekov." I said, and he looked at Tabatha.
"Who's that?" He asked, and I smiled.
"Zat's my daughter, Tabatha. Come, sit down." I said, and lead him to my desk.
He sat down, and I sat opposite. Tabatha was dozing.
"Ok, looks like you have a concussion. Any idea how you did zis?" I asked, and he shook his head.
"I... I don't know." He told me, and I smiled at him.
"Alright, you can have a lie down. Follow me." I said, and he got up, before following me to a bed and getting onto it.
"Just stay zere, ok?" I ordered, and he nodded, closing his eyes. I walked over to Bones.
"I need to find Scotty. I'll be back." I told him, and he nodded. I opened my comm as I left the medical bay.
"Hey, Scotty? Is it safe down there?" I asked into the comm as I got into a lift.
"Uh, yeah, lassie." He replied.
I shut the comm and arrived at the engineering deck minutes later. Tabatha had just woken up, so I bounced her a bit, making her giggle.
"Scotty, can I ask you somezing?" I asked, and he turned to look at me. He was trying to fix a leak.
"Of course, lassie." He said.
"We've got a young man in the medical bay, he's got a concussion. Do you know how he did zat?" I asked.
"Oh, Kansen! Yeah, he knocked his head on one of the pipes pretty hard. I sent him up to you." He said, and I nodded. He looked down at Tabatha.
"Ah. How old is she now?" He asked.
"Three months. Anyway, I should get back to ze medical bay. Zank you, Scotty." I said, turning to leave.
"You're welcome, lassie." He called as I left.

We stayed on the ship last night. Bones let me leave the medical bay half an hour earlier than I usual, so I went up to the bridge, to see Jim.
"Hello!" I called as I left the lift. Pavel turned and smiled at me. I approached Jim, who was sitting in his chair, as he always did. That was the captain's job, right?
"Hey darling. How was work?" He asked me as I kissed his cheek.
"Good. Tabatha was an angel. She behaved really well." I said, and he smiled.
"Tomorrow, it's my turn to look after her. She can stay on the bridge with me." He said, and I laughed.
"Ok zen." I said. Pavel got out of his seat and approached.
"Katia! You should be proud of me!" He said, grinning at me. I grinned back.
"What have you done now?" I asked, and he laughed.
"I remembered to get ze gift posted!" He exclaimed.
"Good job, Pavel. I am proud." I said, and hugged him. Of course, with difficulty, as Tabatha was still strapped to me.
"I'm going to go and give Tabatha a bath. I'll see you later, Jim." I said, and waved goodbye to everyone as I got back into the lift.

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